Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Turkey/Ham Day
11/22/2001 - 12:10 PM

I don't feel that great today. I got less than seven hours of sleep, and I'm very tired. Blah, oh did I mention, I have a fever?

I hope I don't pass on whatever sickness I have to Chris's family. That would be bad.

Ha! I was supposed to bring some kind of food to dinner today, but we had a slight accident in the kitchen yesterday evening and stunk up the entire apartment. So I'm not in a cooking mood. BTW - the apartment is back to normal. So I suppose before we head off to his parents house, we could stop by the local grocery store and grab a pie or dessert stuff. :p

I don't like turkey too much, so I'm hoping they do have ham.. Mmm.... food.

Ugh, allergies.

*burps loudly* haha! I know it, I'm a goober.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears