Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Dude, She's 19
Mar. 14, 2002 - 12:45 AM

My legs are currently jello, but that's another story, kids.

I'm getting fed up with the blame game. Regarding all the review sites going under. Things take time, it doesn't happen overnight, trial and error. Ugh. So yeah, I'm just a bit urked. If a review site is going under and you've already requested a review, they could've given you a notice and you can take your request elsewhere, and such. But no, of course not.

Chris purchased his Mini Playstation 1 yesterday. Its pretty sweet-ass, if you ask me. I want to take it to Denver next week, but Chris would outright disown me if I did that. It's his other 'baby.'

My eyelids feel like their ten pounds and I'm so sleepy I could fold my arms up on this desk and fall asleep. Then I'd wake up with a kink in my neck, and I don't want that.

Today I need to do laundry, if not, I won't get another chance to do so before Monday. The dreaded Monday. Believe me, I am looking forward to Denver, but the drive out, the fourteen hour drive........I could live without. Our plans are to leave at seven am, but I want to leave at five or six if possible. Jenny (my half-sis) said to leave at six, or we'll hit the rush hour in Denver, and it'll be bad.

The guys I work with; Paul, Chris (not my Chris), Jayson, etc, are all nutzo. Jayson started to have the hots for my sister, Vee while I was showing him my wedding pictures. I'm like dude, she's 19. He's 28 or something, but doesn't look it, looks a ton younger. Oh well. Told him that she doesn't like long distance relationships. So it flopped. On with the crazy guys I work with, Chris and Paul were quoting lines from the movie, "Spaceballs" oh man, it was hilarious. It was my last hour of the day, as with Paul, and man.... you just had to be there.

Yeah, that's it.

God, I'm tired.

Gonna go to bed now before I keep making nonsense crap.


Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears