Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Ring Members
Mar. 22, 2003 - 3:26 AM

(UPDATED: 02-13-04 @ 11:41 PM MST)

The following diaries listed below belong to my rings that I have created in Diaryland.
The asterick (*) beside the name means that the person joined one or more of my diary-rings.
As you can see, I recently just cleaned up all the rings (removed members who weren't following the rules - left, stopped updating, no link back, etc). If you feel you were wrongly removed, just re-join the ring but follow the rules. I don't ever ban anyone from joining the rings, just friggin follow the rules, alright?
If you have a Diaryland diary and want to find out more about my diary-rings, please click on the diary ring names.

elliorange | cindie-loo | chillidip | taraleebaby | jademercy7 | likealady-new annidgig-new

*greytanit | sparrowquest

*priddis | madeinheaven | mystical76 | almostrachie | amg249

*greytanit | bi-polar | tinkapnk | sunyatsen-01 | serpentiniteOn Hiatus | catercow | iwish

alwaysange | undpunk | daemondreams | imabreeder | *serpentiniteOn Hiatus | victorianna | newslang-new | nickclk500-new

No Walk Over Me

Steak 'n Shake

exposedgrace | stats01 | cutenixie | bumble-be | eternity4 | nichma other | gofigureman | soccer4emmy | youdontknome | misstrish | carebearxox | boyz2men | jaded1970 | wafflechan | twirlygurl | idislikehugs | creepatron | aliviaridley | sparklefae | pnaibbyangel | mystik-snake | timmocollins-new | mtrxrefugee-new | emsgurl13-new

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears