Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
What A Loooooong Morning
Feb. 08, 2002 - 11:50 AM

I woke up around 5:30 am when Chris went to bed, complaining that he had a toothache and an earache. I didn't see the pain in his face, considering it was dark in the bedroom.

Two hours passed, and he couldn't sleep. I couldn't sleep. I needed a shower, he needed Anbesol. Went to the store, only a few blocks away so it wasn't so bad. I drove him since he was the only one who has the debit card, no extra cash on us, naturally. Went to the store, winded our way through the store towards the pharmacy and the meds. Found the Anbesol in the toothbrush aisle. Two aisles away from the meds' area. Went home, Chris applied some Anbesol on his tooth and went to sleep.

He couldn't sleep, neither could I. His ear started to ache again. I called his mom, Lauren. She said that he should go take a hot shower and go to sleep with pillows propped up under his back and neck. If that didn't work, take him to the doctor. She suspected that he had a sinus or ear infection. He took a hot shower, I did what Lauren advised me, and Chris told me to stay in bed with him. I did. But not for long. I needed a shower, he took up all the hot water, so there was no use to take one. I instead, went out into the living room to watch some TV. About five minutes later, Chris yelled out, "Nicki......" in a struggled-voice. Ugh. He needed some serious help. Took him to the doctor, they prescribed some cheap-ish medicine...Ear drops. He had an ear infection.

Lauren was right. I'm glad she gives me support... otherwise, I'd be lost and Chris would still be in agony.

Now, Chris is asleep like a baby on the futon. But that's okay. I had to call in sick for him. Err... you know. He was unable to do it himself. Yeah, that's what I meant.

I just got out of the shower, so I'm feeling a shitload better. But still kinda urked. I suppose the reason why Chris got an infection is because we went walking to Target last night. Its about five blocks away in 30 degree weather. It wasn't raining or snowing. Just a tad windy. That may have caused it.

Anyway, I'm running on less than four hours of sleep, and I suppose this entry will do, for now. I apologize for any mis-spellings or anything. I haven't eating a damn thing today, well up until a few minutes ago. So I suppose you understand.

Off to go do whatever.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears