Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Apr. 28, 2002 - 9:23 AM

Review Sites.

They are all generally the same. I'm not going to mention by name who, but some are getting on my nerves, just a little.

I requested a few reviews over two months ago, and I still haven't gotten reviewed by them. That's very understandable, considering the amount of reviews they get each day and so on. But still, they could at least contact the reviewees' to let them know that they're running behind and it'll be a week till they get to that persons' review. That's what I did with Naked Reviews, when I reviewed there. I emailed or signed the reviewee's guestbook to let them know its going to take a bit, but I'd get to them.

Anyway, ever since I've gotten sick last Sunday, I've been getting these awful nightmares. Sounds childish, I realize that, but they scare me, still.

Our stupid plumber guy didn't come by on Friday, like he was supposed to. Our toilet doesn't flush, just by pushing on the handle, but we can manually flush it, but its annoying. My dad told me the part we need is only $2 but the apartment complex plumber guy should be the one taking care of it. I just want it fixed. Pronto!

Looks like I'll be sticking with my current supervisor for the next shift, which is very nice, since he's cool and understanding. I hate it how we used to change supervisors every three months. Never really got to know them, or the co-workers we sat by.

Why the heck am I so tired?! I had over seven hours of sleep.

Also this summer Chris and I will be working at the Softball/Baseball concession stand with his family. Some extra money, plus hopefully I'll get a tan.

Chris cooked dinner last night: tacos. We haven't had them in a looooong time. It was a different, but good change. After dinner, I had a big bowl of 'healty' ceral, Toasted Oatmeal. Dude, that stuff is good. I'm trying to gain weight by eating at least four meals per day, and snacks in between. So hopefully I'll gain 5lbs by summer. Hopefully.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears