Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Say Something
15 December 2005 - 23:57

So I have been addicted to yet another journal online and I literally read it whenever I have free time. Before work and after work. Man. Nice image of my social life, eh?

I need to take a shower and clean this apt up. I don't need to leave for work for three hours, so plenty of time there.

This cold has gotten better (I think). It's not only sore throat and coughing, but also a severe runny nose and sneezing. I'm hoping this is the last stage.

Chuck was on the search for his digital camera last night after I got home from work. We couldn't find it anywhere. I told him the last time I saw it was on his desk, though that had to be at least two months ago. He hasn't used it much then. After an hour of so, guess where it was? Not quite on the desk, but pinned the desk and the wall. Good thing there wasn't an earthquake to make the desk shift or it would have fallen down and most likely break. That would not make Chuck happy.

Shower time.

Alright, all clean now, but my nose doesn't want to not stop running and sneezing. I really should clean up this apt, starting with the bathroom. If the bathroom isn't clean, Nicki isn't happy. It's a surrounding thing. Things have to be in order and clean before I feel whole.

A way for me to become even more lazy: Grocery shopping, online and have it delivered to my home! Oh man. Safeway is doing it, and being the bored one that fine evening, I registered online and was unsure if they deliver to my area since I do not live in Seattle, a tad west.. okay, a bit west. Finally after two weeks after asking them that very question, they replied and said that they deliver to my area. If for whatever reason I'm too lazy to drive over to my local Safeway I can order online and wait a few hours to have it arrive here, a delivery fee included, of course.

Man. Technology these days.

Speaking of shopping, we really need to do that. I mean, we have almost no milk left, I won't make any more fish - I always burn it, and well, not enough cheese to make baked spaghetti. So... kinda out of luck. I don't know when I will be able to shop as tonight and tomorrow I get off at 10:30 so that kinda hurts my chances to shop with Chuck as he has to get up early for work.

That was all from yesterday. The boyfriend is going out to sea soon, so that takes him out of the equation of having to go grocery shopping with me. Lucky punk. The bad thing is that I don't have access to the NEX or the Base Exchange/Commissary. I am just a normal civilian and do not have the credentials to get on base. Grr. I'd save a shit load if I didn't have to go to Safeway or something. Oh well, such is life.

The song, "Say Something" by Mariah Carey is good, I mean, she's a really good artist anyway, but in some parts of it, it sounds as if there's a squirrel singing in it and it is annoying me. Forcing me to skip the song each time it starts to play. That's kinda bad.

We celebrated Christmas last night, and it was good. I had wanted to write this cute little message in the card I was giving him, but he didn't let me even sign my name.
"I already know it's from you.." yeah but that's not the point! Oh well.

At work today, I was ready to blow up. There are two co-workers, Dumb Ass and erm.. I want to say bitch but that's kinda mean, even though she really is one. Dumb Ass totally avoided helping customers and I'm thinking she's taking that awful habit from the mean lady. Yes, Meanie should be her name. Heh. I'm such a nerd. Anyway, towards the end of Meanie's shift, I told her not to use the toilet as it leaks (a lot) when you flush it. She said, "Oh I know, it has been doing that all day."
WTF? Why didn't anyone tell me? So, being the nice person I am, posted a sign right on the seat that read, "DO NOT USE (Leaks)!" so hopefully that will stop any unsuspecting person that decides to use it.

My cold isn't getting any better. While I was stocking up the sympathy cards in the back of the store, some glitter from some cards got into my eyes then started the whole eyes watering, nose running, (fun stuff). A customer came up and put her hand on my shoulder and said she was sorry about my loss and that life does go on with time... not knowing I just had a cold. I told her it's just a bad cold - nothing serious and she laughed. Oh man, what a night. It was nice of her, none-the-less.

Chuck has duty tomorrow, luckily I don't have to take him to the base or anything in the morning (I normally wouldn't mind, but I've got to work early tomorrow and it would totally screw my sleeping schedule up). Good thing this is his last deployment/patrol.

I better go post this as my Nyquil is kicking in and I wish I hadn't had any of that Cherry or whatever flavored Smirnoff Ice/Vodka earlier.. I had a sip or two, but that stuff is sick.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears