Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Shoppin' Day
11 December 2005 - 23:14

The past few nights I have been reading yeahimadork's journal and shit you guys, she is one hilarious gal... I haven't stopped laughing. Okay, maybe a tad. I have been sick also.. with a cold which makes me sound like I'm a guy, at least that's what the dumb-ass co-worker said to me last night. I just wanted to deck her, honestly. Dumb Ass is what I'll call her for now on, since she is one. Well, about halfway through our shift last night, Katherine (the cool almost-manager) rounded us up near the registers to tell us that if we get everything done, she can let one person go early, at 10. I was jumping for joy inside. I can actually have a real night with my boyfriend. But my hopes were shattered when ten rolled around and I was adding more cards to the Christmas Card aisle and Katherine came by to tell Dumb Ass that she can go home early. Katherine walked off to close a register or two, and Dumb Ass continued straightening the boxed cards... on the clock. I said to her, "Hey, um.. you should get going. The more time you're on the clock, the more you're over your time."

"Oh, twenty more seconds won't hurt my time Nicole."

I dropped the cards I was working with (intentionally of course, but they didn't spread everywhere as they were still in the bag) and loudly said, "Fine. I'm done trying to be nice to you and helping you out." I picked up the cards and continue working. I heard Dumb Ass mutter something (I still don't know what, but I don't give a damn) and finally leave.

We have a newer girl (I do mean girl, as she's in her twenties also, so cool!) and she "gets" everything instantly. I mean, it's just amazing watching her. She picks up on everything so quickly. There is almost nothing I have to explain to her. Unlike Dumb Ass.

Maybe I'm being self-centered when I make my following statements, but that's just how I feel.

Lately (I'm talking a few months here) I feel like I make no difference in life. At work, (I'm sure a friend or two would miss me tons) I just don't get any sort of recognition. All my hard work is summed up to nothing and I'm sick of it.

We have a few elderly employees here. One doesn't like to do anything that causes her to sweat. I'm talking, climbing up a ladder; tying balloons (yes, I am serious); re-stocking items; lifting heavy things; etc. I could go on, but I just don't have that kind of time. I honestly don't mind doing that work for others who are obviously not able to do it by themselves. Like S when she was almost 9 months pregnant, sure no problem. But god. It's just annoying.

It feels like each little mistake I make is magnified a thousand times, then each good thing I do for another is looked over. I have integrity, I own up to my mistakes, even when I know others don't. I'm not like most people. I am hard working, but I do complain (I'm a girl, that's a given).

I just hope I can have just one job after Christmas... Just one to worry about. That means I need to submit a change of availability. Fun!

We saw Narnia tonight. So good! OMG! I loved it. I'm a sucker for semi-kiddie movies.

Yesterday at work, at my first job, I was boxing up this cute ceramic mouse figurine in the stockroom and I mentioned, "Watch me cut myself with this boxcutter" as a joke. Guess what? I cut myself. I thought it was just a scratch but when a co-worker yelled out that there was blood on the floor, I lost it. WTF?? God, me and sharp objects should not be mixed.

So I washed it off, handed my items to the co-worker and told 'em I'd be heading out to Guest Services to get a band aid as we were out. I stood in line for ten minutes till I was able to talk to someone. The lady got the attention of the security officer sitting behind her and he signaled me over to his direction. Handed me a cute little Bugs Bunny band aid. I rock.

It stuck on all day, and all night, and into the next morning. Such a good band aid. I sent off my Christmas Cards last Monday. I'm so proud of myself. In the past years I don't believe I ever sent off a mass mail like that before, with maybe the exception of last year. In each card I included a nice Christmas quote I found via Google. I love you, G.

We spent the day shopping around town. Went to Spiros for lunch, had this lovely dish of Cheese Tortellini, and Chuck had this noodle stuff... Italian, obviously. The Mall, where we walked around the entire mall, stopped inside Hallmark, Spencers, and Naturium to talk to a few people, as usual. Costco - bought nothing but we did pick up a few "snacks" hehe. Old Navy on the sole purpose to get a Performance Fleece shirt. I wanted black, but since they didn't have my size (who doesn't have a Large?) I settled with light yellow, in large. Yay! We also picked up a Lighted Reindeer Antler Headband though I still can't figure out how to get it to light up. Any answers? I'm going to call Old Navy tomorrow, or just stop by after work. This is crap.

I took a nice dose of Nyquil cough syrup about an hour ago and finally it's hitting me with full force. Off to bed. Have a good one everyone.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears