Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Nicki is boring? Huh?
08 December 2005 - 23:48

That line reminds me of that annoying boring boss on "Office Space."

Anyway, I had a craptastic day today at work.

To summarize since I tend to go off to different tangents and not really get to the point:

I had this customer who wanted to use her Friends & Family 20% off coupon today, but on a layaway. She wanted to cancel it, then pay for the item from the layaway while using the coupon on it. Seems simple enough right?

It didn't seem right to me. If you started a layaway, you can't use the coupon to take it out and use it on the item. It's a past purchase (sorta). So the manager said just to do it. He explained it quite fast so I asked him to repeat himself but slower. I thought I "got" it, but apparently not.

Took it out of layaway, had her pay up, returned the item and rang up her extra crap. Got her through, or so I thought. The coupon only took out a small amount, not exactly 20% of her purchase. So I tried retracing my steps by "returning" everything again, exactly the way I did it previously and it came out with a bogus amount. I'm talking into the $100's. I canceled that. Looked at the receipt, it didn't look right. Go the manager to take over, but as I was trying to explain what I did, he kept interrupting me and gave me weird looks. Gah, just listen to me! Anyway, 'bout an hour later, he resolved the issue. As of now, no one knows what went wrong.

All I know, I did something wrong, but I better not get the full punishment. The manager should've done that transaction.

That wasn't really a summary, if you really think about it. Oh well.

So, I was told recently that I talk about boring things, not just online, in person as well. So does that make me a boring person? Eh. Maybe I'm going through a rut. I know that since knowing I lost a bit of weight, I have gotten depressed. I'm not talking serious depression where you should strap me up in a straight jacket, but just overall down.

I almost broke down after that whole return crap-fiasco tonight. Now that I'm at home, I can do whatever I want (cry, yell -though not too loud as it is late at night, swear, bitch, etc) w/o having someone being around to stop me. I'm not in a crying mood now, just really tired.

So maybe I do write about boring things. I'm not forcing anyone to read this thing. I mainly write in here for myself.

Ah hell, I'm getting sick. Last night at work, I bought these supposedly really good candy bars (heard nothing but great things about it). I tried it and it just didn't taste good at all. I sipped my water, and even that tasted horrible. Convinced I had tainted water and candy bar, I walked out of the break room to tell my co-worker and she laughed, "you're sick Nicole." Damn! She was right. After I got home, I was coughing a bit here and there. Even the dinner I had (cheese sandwich) tasted revolting. Chuck ate the crust/leftovers and said it tasted fine. I went to bed with a huge lump in my throat and by the time I woke up this morning it managed to make my voice disappear. It didn't come back till the start of my shift at work today. Nice.

I'm just coughing more and the sore throat thing is still there. I'm craving nothing but soft, cold things. A smoothie sounds awesome right now. That'll just make me even more cold.

It's almost midnight. I need to get to bed. Got basically a 12 hour day tomorrow. Then a 13 hour one on Saturday. Oh the joy.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears