Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Turkey Day Preparations and crazy sleeping patterns
Nov. 22, 2005 - 6:56 am

Chuck left for work a bit ago. I should say his 36 hour job... He's on duty. Yep, him and his crew are getting ready to leave again for who knows how long.

The roommate, Royal, will be back soon as well. I've been talking to him through e-mail a few times since the 18th. It's kinda cool, but I don't know how long he'll have e-mail access on the boat, it could be for a few minutes to a few weeks. No one really knows. So, it's basically like sending your message to open water. You don't know if you'll get a reply.

Chuck asked me to clean the apartment while he's on duty. Oh.. hahha, good one! Actually, he said to organize it but I'll end up cleaning it, I know. He said to start with the bedroom. There's more crap in there than anywhere else. Mostly his crap. So how am I to organize it? I don't know what he wants to keep or whatever. It's mainly paperwork from work and home.

Last night Chuck and I went to Safeway to get Turkey Day stuff. Instead of buying a regular turkey, we just got a Turkey Breast Roast. Nothing to stuff! Haha, easy way out! Chuck said there's a chance he may be called into work during the daytime on Turkey day, so there'd be no one to physically help me take out the innards.. I just picked out the roast instead. I don't like gravy much, but he bought a can of it. *nearly hurls* I just don't like it. I'm sorry. Did get some Stove Top Stuffing though, a smaller box than I'd like and it's Pork flavored. The Turkey was all out! Go figure. Also got stuff for the Sweet Potato Casserole, though not sure if I should've bought more marshmallows.

My best friend, Juliana talked to me on Sunday afternoon and was nearly freaking out. She thought I worked at the Tacoma Mall in Tacoma, WA where there were shootings there. I told her I live 'bout 40 miles north, have never been to that mall.. Man. I feel bad for those people who got hurt. That kid, the 20 year old guy who shot them up, is now on a 2 million dollar bond. Thank God. What a nut.

Alright. I haven't been able to sleep too well lately and I think I know why. After Chuck goes to work in the morning, I wake up hungry, so I eat something and hop on the computer to check out Yahoo! News to see what's going on in the world, check email.. then finally after I'm done eating, I go back to bed. All is well until I have to get up at my scheduled time of let's say, 8:30. I just don't want to get up, so I press the snooze button and end up actually waking and getting out of bed around 10. Ugh. I should snack a little, watch the TV News and go to bed instead.

That's what I shall do. But scratch out the tv news part, as I'm already tired.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears