Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Work. Work, and more work!
Nov. 08, 2005 - 9:52 am

I'm writing this entry as I'm getting ready for work.

I started the new job last week, it was just orientation but I still got paid for it. I did a ton of walk-throughs throughout the store to make sure I'm aware of every single category of product, though of course, I'm sure they knew I'd forget it over the weekend and would have to review it with me the next day I was in. Sure enough, I didn't remember quite everything, but enough to be on the floor alone, which was what they were going for as they got approx 30 boxes of stock that came in while I was there. Whenever I had a question (which was maybe five times in an hour - pretty good) I'd go back into the stockroom and ask them. My manager is 23! Younger than me! I totally didn't believe her, but she does look younger, and act it a bit. I mean, she isn't immature but she doesn't carry herself as a mid-twenties person would.

After that job was over at 3 in the afternoon I walked down to Hallmark and dropped off my backpack and coat in the breakroom. I suprised my manager and a fellow co-worker. Not only was I there with more stuff than usual, but I was there two hours early for my next shift, 5-9:30. Haha! I explained to them I just got off work at my other job, and instead of going home for a few minutes I came straight here. As I don't have a car, I rely on public transportation. Comes in handy sometimes but usually it's a pain in the ass. It runs every hour, instead of every half-hour like many other cities. That and you have a window of about 20 minutes of standing at the bus stop to catch it. It's never on time, or at the same time each day, so, yeah. I get up super early for work at 11 am, 'round 7:45 or 8 so I can catch the bus at 10. Gah!

Been listening to too much Dave Matthews Band for my own good. I'm sure Chuck is sick to death of it, but I love it. The older, not so popular songs I LOVE! I'm crazy though, so it makes sense.

Must go finish getting ready before I run out of time. I'll add more tonight.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears