Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Oooh she's alive!
Apr. 25, 2005 - 11:41 am

Oh look, Nicki has posted another entry!

I made it safely to Washington on Saturday afternoon but not without a few adventures. I woke up at 3am, CST thinking that the extra time will do me some good - nope, just made me more tired and anxious. I was barely able to eat my bowl of Golden Grahams. I wouldn't eat again until around 7 or so on my first flight. I had only two flights but that was enough for me. My first flight was pretty much uneventful. The second though, dude. For just over four hours (seemed much longer than that) I had this lady talk my ear off the entire flight. Even when the few moments when I could sneak in a nap she tapped my shoulder and said "Hun wake up, I have more to tell you!" I could of slapped her, I was so mad.

So the flight was late but that didn't bother me much, it wasn't that bad of a delay. I finally reached the airporter area of the airport, only after half of hour trying to find it. I'm slow, I'm sorry.

So...anyway... it's nice staying in one spot for once. Saturday night our roommate, a friend and I went to this Chinese place. My stomach wasn't feeling all that wonderful but I went ahead and gave it a shot. I ordered something neutral and what I was used to: Lemon Chicken. I didn't eat much but that's normal for me. When I travel, I rarely eat like an entire plate of food until I'm comfortable with my surroundings. I'm strange, yeah. Early yesterday morning Chuck came home from duty and he was too tired to say/do anything, I just let him sleep it off. I got up around 9 (I had slept more than 12 hours at that time, so I was sick of lying down) he woke up 'round 11 or something. I finally got my ass into the shower - took a shower the previous night but didn't style my hair so it looked really bad. We dressed and walked over to the apartment complex office to turn in our applications. I hope...hope...hope all goes well. If not, I'll have to figure something out. Later that day we went on base to the Commisary and to the BX to pick up some groceries. The guys' were kinda lacking in far as food and cleaning supplies goes. Until I get a job.. or something, I am now the "Warden" haha.. I clean, basically. It's fine, really! It's nice having something productive to do.

Dropped off the groceries and junk at home and put them away. Left to see the movie "A Lot Like Love" a must-see! It's hilarious man. I warmed up some leftovers from dinner the previous night and he actually liked it. Yay! Left to go to a friends' house of his. I met all five kids of theirs. Haha. Two sets of twins and one older boy, all boys might I add. Adorable kids though.

That's about it of what we've done. As for me, laundry (which I'm afraid of doing more because the roommate is sleeping and the washer is fairly loud when it's running); vacuuming; dusting; cleaned some mirrors; cleaned the kitchen; organized the master bedroom (ours) and also the living room a bit.

I have to leave something not done so I can do it tomorrow. Chuck has duty all 24 hours tomorrow so I won't see him till at the earliest, Wednesday AM. Crazy hours, I say.

I found my AF t-shirt hidden behind some folded shirts of mine. Hahahah!!! I'll make sure he sees it when he gets home today. He's kinda against the AF, by the way. Heh. It's comfortable, the tshirt. I'd wear the US NAVY sweatshirt but it's fairly warm outside.

Alright, off to fix a snack or something. Take care, ya'll.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears