Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Friday Five
07.01.05 - 10:44 pm

1. What's one of the funniest things that you ever did as a kid? How old were you? Do you actually remember doing it? Do your parents/relatives still tell stories about it?
Funniest or stupidest? Um let's see. I did all sorts of stupid pet tricks like rollerblading on ice.. and on the trampoline (never ever try that, kids, you'll break your ankle) I do remember doing it, yes.

2. How would you describe yourself as a child? Extroverted or introverted? Creative? Hyper? Quiet? Compare that with your personality today. Are you still that way, for the most part?
I was... introverted, but extroverted around my friends at home. I was creative mainly by myself or with my sister. Hyper at times. Very very quiet Nicki was.

3. What were some of your favorite childhood toys? Do you still have any of them? What do you think of the toys that children are playing with nowadays?
Hungry, Hungry Hippos was a good board game. That and Connect Four. Simon Says! Haha this is so fun. No, not that I know of. Toys like LeapFrog, now that's quality entertainment because they're actually learning something... But the rest, should be burned. Except for the olden day stuff. That stuff rocks.

4. Do you feel that you get along well with children? Why/why not? Are you around them quite a bit? Are there any particular age groups that you get along especially well with?
I think so yes. Ever since I started to babysit, age 11, I was really good with kids.. I'm around kids at work. I'm just a cashier but I sometimes talk to little kids, like say "hi" or something. All kids I think. Just not teens, they're kinda um... opinionated?

5. Did you like school when you were a kid? Were you involved with any sports, extracurricular activities, etc. as a child? Did you make pretty good grades, and did you like your teachers?
I liked it then I didn't like it. Depending on what class/subject you're referring to. I know that in elementary school I absolutely adored recess, but I think everyone would agree. As far as HS goes, um sure. The Arts like Ceramics and Technology classes were my favorite. I wasn't involved in any sports, but I was asked to join the Track team in Middle School because apparently I was a really fast runner. A mile in under seven minutes. Then an offer to join the Swim Team in H.S. because my younger sister was in it and the coach (feared by all in the school except for swim team members) liked me, that and I wasn't afraid of her, thought I was a good swimmer. I told her I can't swim underwater w/o a noseplug. She apologized and went on. I made o.k. grades. I mean, I didn't fail any grades up until my Senior year. I could have done much better though. I liked some of my teachers. By my Senior year in my first HS I didn't like most of my teachers. But looking back, I probably should have paid them more respect.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears