Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Merry Christmas Eve Eve
23.12.04 - 23:50

I'm tired, but not nearly enough to get restful sleep. I go to work just shy of eight hours from now. I know I'm cutting myself short, but damnit, gah. Sorta venting there. I'm tired of sharing my personal life with people. Tired tired tired. *yawns* I love talking, but when people don't share the same enthusiam, I get kinda down. So, no more of that.

Work today was uneventful to oh-my-god-why-the-world-am-i-here-at-walmart-working-the-christmas-season?!?. Had a guy get abusive with a self-checkout register, because it needed to verify his age for some beer he was trying to buy. It does that to everyone. No matter the age. I, the self checkout cashier, has to enter it in, not the customer. Stupid ass.

I was working on a new design for this thing, but I can't figure out which layout will work out in the end. I'll work on it more tomorrow after work.

Speaking of work, again, I'm supposedly going to get off at 1645 (that's 4:45 pm, ya'll) but people say I'll be lucky if I get off then. Lovely. The store is going to be closed at 1800, but of course you know there's going to be several hundred million people inside still just wandering around or scrambling to buy their things...well after 1800. I have Saturday off, though. It's strange. To me, it seems just like another day. My mom and step-dad are heading to Denver on Sunday. They're driving. That leaves me and the dog all alone for a week or so. I'm gonna get cabin fever, just you watch.

*yawn* crap. getting more tired now. I better just get going to bed.

BTW - the soundtrack for the movie "I am Sam" is awesome. Most if not all are Beatles songs, sung by other artists. Very...very good. I'm all googly eyed at the moment. Tired but happy. Have a wonderful Christmas you all. :)

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears