Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Ace Bandages & Cold Showers
2004-02-18 - 06:35

I believe I did in fact either twist or sprain my ankle over the weekend. Since yesterday evening it has been wrapped up in an ace bandage. So far no pain. Well, I wasn't able to sleep with it last night so I had to take it off. When I woke up at 4:30 all I felt was shear pain. I should've kept it on.

Last night shortly before going to bed I took a luke warm shower. The DW and Washer were on, using warm or hot water. So that soaked up most of the warm water I usually use when showering. I was not a happy camper covered in goose bumps after I got out. I put some hair gel in my hair too. Now that my hair is completely dry, the style itself won't move. I mean, it'll move bounce or whatever.. haha. It's just funny looking. I'll probably wet it down again this morning and mess with the gel to try to fix it.

Oooh last night.. I swear, was it "Everyone Be Pissed at Nicki" night or what? It was just Katie, but the tension in the room was so thick with everyone else. Sara and I were the only ones who went to the gym last night. Katie, who last week everynight would come up to my room around 6 or so and ask of when I wanted to leave. Well last night she didn't come upstairs. In fact, I didn't see her at all. I didn't see Derek's car in the back either. I figured she wasn't home. So after almost two hours of working out we returned home to find an unusually quiet house. We walked up into the kitchen/dining room to see Dave and Lauren eating and Katie with one elbow propped up on the table. It looked like she was crying a bit earlier. Dave said "Nicki, Katie has something to tell you." Katie whined/asked "Why didn't you have me come with you guys?!?" I was just speechless and Sara just explained our position. Basically a mis-communication. Katie has been extremely pissed with Derek as of late. And she's taking it out on me. While doing the dishes shortly after that conversation and everyone was out of the kitchen I felt tears coming. For once I didn't stop them. Unfortunately Derek came by asking for Katie so I had to just conceal everything.

Well I ran my 1.5 mile and 2 miles yesterday. And those times were: 15:50 & 21:05.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears