Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Drop the can and no one gets hurt.
2004-01-03 - 17:21

It is entirely too damn cold up here. It's in the negative temps. We got about 6" of snow three nights ago. I was NOT a happy camper when uncovering the car. Though when driving, it was a BLAST! Hahaha I love driving in it.

I'm eating two day old pizza. Still good but not as tasty as it being fresh.

Chris has been a major thorn in my side. I'm sure he could say the same about me.

Note to self: no more soda. NONE! NOT EVEN A DROP! I so need to stop it... this will be the last root beer. Ever. Or at least for a very long time.

Less than two months from now I will be at Lackland, AFB for Basic Military Training. Am I scared? Uhm, no not really. More anxious than anything else. Have I been training for training? Yes, just not as of recently. Too cold outside to run for a long distance. Went outside this afternoon to take some trash out, I was going to go through the gate which leads to the sidewalk in front of the house.. then leading down to the dumpster by the shop but the gate didn't open. It is frozen as well deep snow on both sides stopping it from opening. So I went all around the shop, to the front, then to the side to where the dumpster sat. Got there and I was coughing up a storm. MMmmm nothing like negative temperatures to make you feel like you're dying. So I attempted to run back to the house. I was wearing my snow boots.. they don't let me move my ankles one bit so I must have looked like some sort of retard trying to run. Haha.

We cleaned up our bedroom today. Okay I cleaned it today... I vaccuumed up the floor, moved some items around, spruiced up the place. Found a jewerly box my Grandparents gave me before my Papa died.. the glass portion broke. I was so upset. About glass. So anyway... I had to throw away the pieces and just move on. I talked to Lauren about possibly replacing it with stained glass. I may just buy a newer jewerly box, something that matches my personality. But I'll keep that one from my Papa.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears