Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
I'm Itchy. Everywhere
2003-07-12 - 08:22

I'm sitting here in my nice, comfy newish computer chair trying really hard not to pick at the dead itch skin on my legs. They're peeling like crazy. I'm got to take a shwoer soon to put lotion and aloe vera gel on them to stop the itching. My legs were sunburnt on that rafting trip last weekend. Sorry I haven't mentioned anything about it.

I went to the Hospital on Tuesday to have that "procedure" done. I'm hurting a lot from it. According to WebMD.com it said my abdominal pains should only be a minimal thing and last a few days. We're going on the fourth day and its worse pain than last month.

My recruiter called me on early Thursdaysday morning to tell me that there's a ship date within a month for me. But naturally didn't tell me of the details: the job and the date itself. Gah. Commanders Call is this morning at ten so I can talk to them about it then I suppose. Yeah, they're going bowling today with the other DEP'ers. Ooo.. fun. I know I should have a more positive attiude about this but I know only one other DEP'er, out of what, ten? Ugh.

Matt and Kevin (his marine buddy) left for Cali yesterday. They're going to set up an appartment or living establishment; daycare for Kayla; school info crap for Nathan (Matt's younger brother) who's a Senior now. Kevin will be back up into town in a bit to pick up all the donated stuff for them: kiddy bed for Kayla; two computer chairs from us; futon from us; new china/dinnerware set from a local church; and anything else at the in-law's house that's Kayla's.

Well I'm itching like crazy and that makes it all worse for the healing process so I better go take that shower now.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears