Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Lies, lies and more lies
2003-06-27 - 21:47

The hearing went well, if you can say that. The Judge ruled in our favor, but following a whole speal with Jen (Matt's wife, Kayla's mother) lying her butt off to everyone, the Judge and God.

It started out as we all (the family) gathered outside the glass and wood double-doors right outside the courtroom. Lauren looked incredibly upset, we all went over to talk to her and consol her. She said Jen is saying that she hade more time with Kayla than the grandparents (Dave & Lauren). Which is BS. Dave and Lauren had Kayla at least 16 months out of her 20 months of her life.

Basically, Jen told her lawyer that she's been working at a "stable job" working as a waitress (but only for this past week) and recently signed a lease on a house. Four bedroom and two bathroom, sharing it with her estranged boyfriend who's in the USAF and has two young sons. Reminder, she's currently married but applying for a divorce.


Two hours later it all unfolded when Jen's lawyer cross-examined Lauren and caught her on a lie Jen tried to pull regarding the Affidavit from awhile ago. She contradicted the information that was included in it and well, the Judge ruled in our favor as I mentioned above.

This is only temporary.. could be three months or something. Who knows, except for the Judge.

All day I've been lazy-ish. Its from not eating and the lack of motivation to make some food for myself. I did finally eat a double-decker sandwich but that's the main thing I had to eat today. No wonder I feel even more sick.

I cleaned up the kitchen sink. I'm talking Lime Away people that and Windex since the sink is stainless steel.

I obviously never went on that camping trip to Helena. I've been feeling bad ever since last night. Besides if something should happen while I'm gone (such as the pain getting severe) I wouldn't know where to go. I'd rather stay at home. I'm a nerd, I know this.

Plus, tomorrow is laundry day. YAY! I've been needing to do it all week.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears