Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Nov. 22, 2002 - 11:03 PM

'Tis me again. Heh, I've been a total nut today. I am feeling better, thanks for asking, everyone.

I had a chocolate milkshake from McD's and I feel a tad queasy but nothing like last night. I might still take a phenagren to get to sleep tonight. Sucks living across the street from the hospital, all the sirens going on and such.

I wanted to do the laundry tomorrow but now that I think about it, I should just chill out and do whatever I want to do. Leave the actual work for Sunday, like usual.

I am just out of interesting things to say tonight. I'm not feeling bad, physical or otherwise. A little queasy like I mentioned above, but that's common knowledge now, I suppose. I just feel good. I am in a good mood, no great, actually. Might be the Zoloft working or something because I don't think I can have a negative thought in my mind anytime in the near future.

I'm just flat out happy right now.


And/or this could all be caused by that Big Kit Kat Bar I had for a snack at work, too much sugar...

I need to start on my Christmas shopping. I don't know what I'm going to get others. Maybe just a card because frankly, we've got to save our money. We have been, but we shouldn't spend it on gifts for others. May sound selfish, but darnit, I'd like to have a newer car that Chris could drive and leave my little red cavalier alone, poor thing.

I shouldn't have driven this evening. I got to go home early from work, so I drove myself home. The drive wasn't bad, just an idiot with brights right behind me. But the drive back to work to pick Chris up for his lunch... man. My depth perception was wayyy off. I hate going on 10th Ave S (at my end of town, its a 4 lane rd/hwy, at the center of town it is 6 lanes) I stick to the 2 lane one-ways, sure it is a longer route, but it is more scenic. I swear, I was going to hit every parked car along the left side of the road all the way downtown (err 17 blocks from where I'm at). No more driving while on these meds, or at least when I'm confident enough to.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears