Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
At Peace
Nov. 21, 2002 - 10:22 PM

Work today was a blur to me. A lot of people asked how I was doing, I shut my eyes and nodded. The ride to work was awful enough, with all the bumps and the constant stopping... Ugh.

I didn't eat much either, I still feel sick, but drank a glass of Sunny D after I got off of work. My voice is getting better, still weak but at least my allergies aren't kicking my ass anymore.

Before work at home, I stepped into the computer room and noticed a medicne bottle sitting on the computer desk. For some reason I thought it read Zyrtec 100mg. I said, "What the..?" Chris said that was the Zoloft, 100, don't take it. Either I was under the influence of something or I'm getting short term dyslexia. They both start with Z. Forgive me.

My stomach is still churning up crap, but nothing coming up, not since 4:15 am on Tuesday. I still get queasy whenever I see or hear commercials about food on TV.

My points/occurances are taking a beating at work. Just on Monday I had 12 or something, now I'm at 18. *sighs* Technically it wasn't my fault I was sick. My doctor #1 (I have two, when dr #1 isn't in, I see dr #2) prescribed me a higher dosage than normal, and it just about killed me within four hours. I didn't mention this earlier because I didn't want to scare anyone, but while Chris had the ER on the phone, I got sick, but couldn't breathe, at all. My eyes rolled back into my head and felt my head drop, I was at peace. Chris grabbed at my arm, then I woke up. I looked into his eyes and got sick again. Then I bowed down to the porcelain god for a few hours...

Chris told me to take some Phenagren tonight, to get to sleep. I might just take up on that offer. Just one pill kills the nausea gnomes and puts me to sleep for 8+ hours.

I am still quite shaky. All over. Not just my hands, though it is more noticable, but also my feet, legs and head. It appears like I am cold, but I am actually above normal, for once.

I am still a bit peeved that I didn't get Turkey Day off but Chris did. Oh well, more money for us I guess. Good thing I didn't make any plans to see my family, out of state that is.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears