Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Nov. 15, 2002 - 10:39 PM

Everything has taken a 360 deg turn for the better over here. I am still going to go to the doctor tomorrow, though I'm not sure when... Way early tomorrow morning we are going to go to Wally World to get some groceries and buy the *new* computer desk I've had my eyes on for awhile. I was looking on their site but it isn't listed on it... I guess I could take a picture of it tomorrow w/the webcam and or the digital camera and show you all. I'm so excited, but worried at the same time. Where the heck are we going to move the old desk/hutch?!? I suggested the idea to Chris of selling it or giving it away but he doesn't want to do that.

Such a packrat.

Oh and if you sent me an email to my Hotmail address, I won't get it until Chris re-hooks up the laptop LAN box thingy... and re-configures all the cords up, again. I'm on the desktop now. I have my own 'profile' so to speak, but all of Chris's settings by default. So I have a TON OF COMPUTER GAMES I don't play, on the Desktop and on the bottom toolbar.

It is almost ten thirty, running off of less than six hours of sleep, I think I'm doing pretty good.

Should I take a nap for an hour or two till Chris gets home from work or stick it out and stay up?

I'm not sure either.

OMG! I was editing this entry, adding my final touches when the browser thought I was done and went forward. All of the stuff I added was gone, into thin air. I hate this thing. I like the laptop (my baby) so much better.

I feel odd, in a good way of course. I am wearing my Halloween PJ pants (have bright orange pumpkins all over 'em) that I bought from Old Navy last month or so; my glasses still needs to be cleaned; my hair is in a mess. I feel good, like I used to, before...well you know.

Thanks Jen for talking to me last night. I wasn't in a talking-mood today at work, I'm sure you noticed but you did help me out. I'd put up your Yahoo! profile link in the place of your name, but I doubt you wanted any porn bots attacking you with spam. Heh.

Nothing is on TV tonight. NOTHING! I will go insane, just watch and wait... or something.

Anyway so yeah, I'm doing better and so is Chris, the only bad part is that I am falling in love with food. That can't be a bad thing considering that I come from the country: Ethiopia, I was starving, and so they rescued me. That's a lie... err a funny story my sister and I joke about.

PS: Happy Birthday, KATRESS!

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears