Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
"We will consider it."
Jun. 08, 2002 - 4:02 PM

Currently I'm not drugged up. I just woke up. Yes, I do realize it is nearly 4pm. Oh well.

Chris woke up around 7 this morning to go shooting with his friend Will. They got back at 12, and Chris saw me in bed still, and said "wake up." I barely heard him and decided that I should just open my eyes to see what is going on. So I opened them and he climbed in bed and hugged me. I was expecting food. Damn. These meds: Vicodin and Phenagren makes me very hungry when I wake up for some odd reason.

I need to call Bonkrood to see of what she wants to do today or tomorrow. Preferrably tomorrow. Today I'm clinically sick.

Ohhhh guess what my work said to Chris yesterday? He brought in the Hospital note thingy that lets me stay home from work. It had the list of things I was taking and had and all that junk. The doctor was just asking for one day off (yesterday) and the head of HR (Human Resources) said that she would "Consider" it. Well too late for that. Chris told her, "Well Nicole is drugged up with Vicodin right now, would you want her to drive down here and be on the phones for eight hours?" I think that shut her up. How can you consider something like that? Besides if HR doesn't believe Chris, they could call the hospital and speak to the doctor.

Gah, freaking political morons. People get sick. People need to stay home because they are sick, in some cases. We are not machines. If you want machines to take your bitchy customer calls, make machines, but not out of humans, assholes.

I am so ready to move to Indiana.

Thank you, Lulu for signing my guestbook. :)

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears