Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
A sleepy visit to the ER
Jun. 07, 2002 - 4:18 PM

I was at the ER yesterday for about two hours, but I'm sure it seemed like a lifetime to Chris.

All week I have been dealing with a dull stomach ache, but it has been getting progressingly worse. Yesterday morning Chris took me to see my doctor, and he gave me a nausea prescription and told me it could be a number of things: begining of Appendicitis; stomach flu; and pregnancy but that was a big maybe. He advised me to go to work but to call him during my break at 5pm to let him know the status of my pain, good or bad.

I left the doctors office, went to Albertsons to pick up my meds and drove home to get ready for work. I gotta say, I was getting pretty darn tired with the medicine in my system, it was hard for me to stay awake for the drive for work. I stayed at work, got there 40 minutes early but the was no way in hell I was going to drive. Every step I took to get across the street, felt like jumping with a dead elephant on my shoulders. As soon as I got into the elevator I clung for the railings for my dear life and my friend Logan looked at me strangely. I told him I'm taking a nausea medicine that's causing major drowsiness. He told me I wouldn't make even a few minutes on the phone at this rate. I got to my desk, taking baby steps and trying not to look too obvious. Well that didn't work. Emily gave me a weird look and I told her I'm on this medicne that makes me sleepy and turns out she was on the same thing, so she kept me awake for two hours. The pain got worse. I told my supervisor, Dow what was going on in case I had to leave. At 5 I called my doctor and he told me to go to the ER. I did.

Chris held my hand as he fast-walked into the Emergency Room area of the hospital. We stood at the Registration desk for a moment till an assistant noticed us there. She took me by the arm and directed me to a smaller office with two chairs. I was so disoreinted that I didn't know what we were doing there, I was ready to be poked and prodded but while lying down.

As soon as the confusing questions were done and answered I was led into a room with a bed. I still had my 'civilian' clothes on and I layed down on the bed with my shoes on. The male nurse gave me a strange look and plopped down a sheet "blanket" and a gown that you tie in the back. I changed into the gown, left my undies on (which were bright orange by the way, Chris laughed at that. I always find the humor in every situation even if I didn't mean to). I layed down on the bed again. I felt like crap but that bed was so comfortable, believe me. Another young-ish female nurse came in, asked me some more questions, gave us her name, which was Renee (my middle name, cool) and she was very nice. She even offered me a warm blanket. I took up on that offer.

About an hour later, I had three to four vials of blood taken from me and then moved over to another room. There, they performed an exam on me and collected samples and all of that junk. And after several minutes, the doctor came back with the results: I'm not pregnant, I don't have Appendicitis, just a bad stomach ache/flu. But the doctor did give me some pain medication, Vicodin. That word scares me. I haven't taken any yet, but I soon will, the pain is getting worse.

So now, I didn't go to work today, obviously. I will be home all weekend while Chris goes out shooting tomorrow morning and does the laundry. My friend, Bonkrood is moving out of Great Falls (I don't blame her) soon, so hopefully I see her again before she leaves.

Well I just wanted to let you all know that indeed I am still alive and mostly well. Today I'll be writing letters to family and friends to past the time. Today it is supposed to be sucky. Rainy and cold.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears