Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Ebonics werkd 4 meee
May. 16, 2002 - 12:35 PM

Well I just re-designed my guestbook, but used a Lex template. Ugh, I couldn't figure out what was wrong.

I woke up late-ish this morning. I had planned to do a lot of house cleaning, but Chris was right, I'll never do it before work. I suppose I could do the cleaning on Saturday. Oooh... Two days away. Wow.

Earlier this morning I added some new ways to contact me, icq/yahoo/aim, but added the images and when you click on them, you can send me a message. Yay!

I write about everyday things? Hmph. I suppose I do now. Well, that sucks. Ocassionally I add more personal/emotional entries but most of the time its quite personal and not meant for public display. But I try not to hold back anything unless well, if it isn't meant to be on here. Y'know what I'm sayin'?

And what the hell is up with the heavy use of Ebonics lately? I was in Yahoo Chat earlier this morning and about half the people in there talked like this: hi how r u / asl / i wana talk 2 u / etc. Gah! I should be an English teacher, but I sometimes don't know when to put the apostrophe (') in the word "its" and spell certain words. So I doubt I'll help anyone if I became a teacher. Besides the pay they get is crap, they deserve more, at least the good teachers, anyway. But that's just my opinion.

Last night, err when I sleep in the very early morning, I had a bunch of dreams about my awful years in high school. Yeah yeah, I know most people didn't like their schooling but for the last 2.5yrs of school, I was numb. Not because something tramatic happend at my school, but moreso at my home. My parents were in the process of going through a nasty divorce, my Mom having Cancer, my Dad not paying attention to me, and me having Depression. Anyway I don't know why I was having dreams about back then because I've gotten over the rough patches of my Depression, and starting to enjoy life more and more. My head just may be fucking with me. Damn you.

I'm feeling like more myself these days. I mean, I'm adding longer-ish entries each day, err starting yesterday but you get the deal. I wake up feeling refreshed, I go to work happy even though most of the time I'm late. (the time clock is four minutes slow, so technically I wasn't late. hehe)

Wow, today is the 16th? Cool. Less than four months till I turn 21. Sweet ass. Thursday now, and no one still haven't seen the filming crew at work. This is crazy. I can't keep this up. I like wearing t-shirts and jeans to work. Heck, no one important (the customers) see us, so why not? Oh because of that damn film crew.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears