Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Hump Day
May. 15, 2002 - 11:23 AM

Chris and I planned to get up at 10 this morning but by the time the alarm clock started to buzz, Chris pushed the snooze button. Scum. He has training at 1:30 this afternoon for a new pilot program for GE (General Electric). Its supposedly going to help with setting up appointments with GE and their customers. Its an online deal. Joy. Sometimes our internet crashes. What happens then, huh?

I am so glad I don't work with his program Lowes and that dinky program they use to schedule customers. Its 3rd Party. Not too scary of a name, actually, but the things they do, is to me anyway. I've never been one to call up a service center or anyone to see if a customer can have service there and whatnot. I like my program, Best Buy Scheduling. We use a simple program (that sometime locks up and crashes) that's easy to navigate and stuff. But the newbies (the people recently completed training class) don't know what they are doing and they mess everything up. Like I had a few cases last week where the newbies meant to schedule customers for in-home service but didn't save the schedule. So no schedule. On the day of the schedule, the customers would call and demand to have the tech at their home now or they will raise hell. Get in line. Gah. So I told my supervisor the above incident and he told me to just write down the representatives names and hand them to him. Yeah, I've done that once before, accidently not save a schedule, but I called back the customer. Some people aren't writing down their calls. I write down every single damn one. No wonder they don't realize it until it is too late. Morons.

I had some of Chris's M&M Blizzard earlier this morning while watching The O'Reilly Factor. It was good.

Okay I don't understand work anymore these days. My supevisor said that Spring and Summer are the busy seasons for people to call. No shit. I had over fifty calls yesterday. Last Monday only twenty-one. Crazy.

Three more days of work...till my weekend! It is so weird working only weekdays. I miss working weekends, actually. They were a whole lot slower. But then again, I do get to have a break from talking non-stop from 10pm-12am each day.

Hmph. I was supossed to call Linda on Monday. Whoops. I suppose I should call her today, eh? Yeah.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears