Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
I'm a Vampire, Bleh!
Sept. 25, 2002 - 2:30 AM

This may look like a half assed job of a design, but I worked hard while straining to keep myself awake, so you better like it, damnit!

I tried to talk to Mark online but when I changed my font to fit my mood at that moment, he went off. Oh well.

I got a few things done around the house. Laundry, straightened up the living room, and got comfy.



Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears