Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
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Saturday, Dec. 22, 2001 - 11:15 PM

Well tonight wasn't too bad at work. Though, me being stupid, caused myself harm, but hey, you'll never learn from your mistakes unless you realize you made one. :) Heh. I'm a nerd. Probably not making much sense, but oh well.

I had created a new journal thing with Diaryland. its: nicki-sns.diaryland.com there's only one entry there, and the layout is one of the default ones, but who the hell cares? I created it two nights ago. Someone already had nicki.diaryland.com. Damn them.

I attempted to clean around the apartment today after I was trying to sign sheila's guestbook and then the computer crashed. Gah. So I decided to pop the Coldplay cd into the PS2, turned on the TV, and played the cd. Yay. I also straightened up the living room a tad. Got all the empty cans off of the floor and our makeshift coffee table, the borrowed friends' cooler. Haha. We're so lame.

We need to get a real coffee table though, you know? And give that cooler back to Rico. I'm sure he's missing it. I am tired of cleaning off coke junk off of that thing each month, too.

I need a back brace soon, too. My back hurts when I sit down. I no longer slouch, Mom, Vee and anyone else who was hounding me about that in the past.

And Shampoo and Conditioner.

Haha, listing my Christmas list on my journal, and only three days till Christmas. Gah. I hate the holidays. Everyone wants stuff done quickly and their way.

This poor lady's washer flooded her entire laundry room, and the next available date was this Friday (the 28th) in the afternoon. Of course she was pissed, and so would I. But come on, do something...instead of calling us up and demanding service on a Sunday. That's impossible #1: Techs don't work Sundays. #2: I highly doubt she could get next day service. Since it doesn't qualify for Emergency Service. Geeze.

I had a lot of crazy calls too. This guy wanted a tech to come out to his home and clean the screen. Its one of those High Definition TVs/Projection TV's. The kind with a mesh screen, instead of glass. Blah. Freaking people.

I hope Crystal emails me tomorrow, about possibly staying here at our apartment when she and Jon, maybe, visits. #1: It'd be cheaper. #2: A comfy futon to sleep on. Yay!!



Tara won't be able to come to the wedding. Grr. Damn work nazis.

Ann will, I just need to lift her spirits up more. That poor woman... Her husband is in jail, err pre-release jail thing now. I think I've mentioned it previously of why he's in there. Anyway, he's allowed four hours with his family for Christmas. That was nice of them. Well, only two more months of pre-release for him, and he's out. :) George is so cool and well, I like his personality. He's a good person.

Back to Ann. She has three kids. 14, 10 (I think) and 5. I'm going to lend them my N64 games for Christmas. Shh, don't tell them, its a suprise.

I've got to get on a regular sleeping schedule. I know I have said that millions of times, but this time it has taken a toll on me. I keep having nightmares each night, though I don't tell anyone because well, I don't want them to tell me, "Now, Nicki, you're just worried about the Wedding, there's nothing to be afraid of." Or something to that degree. I'm not worried about the wedding. Or maybe I'm just getting all worked up and stressed out about it.

I'm going to take a sleeping pill tonight, in a few minutes actually. Sometime before Chris gets home.





The evil sex monster will be attacking me constantly throughout our marriage. Gah. They should make Viagra for women, you know? And I'd be the first candidate, or something. Hmm.

I do like "it" but sometimes I just feel like having it. I hope some of you understand.

I was reading on The Knot about before marriage, some women lose their sex drive, but then regain it afterwards and its caused by stress.

Do I have a lot of stress in my life?

I think I do.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears