Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Where to Live?
Apr. 06, 2002 - 9:42 PM

Chris turns 21 on Wednesday. Scum. I have to wait five more months till I turn 21.

It seems like the more I grow older, birthdays seem less significant like they lost their excitement after I turned 18.

Well yesterday, I got my new 'temporary' Montana Drivers Lisence.

Also, I talked to my best friend, Kristen over Yahoo Messenger. She said that I was the only person that is happy about her upcoming move to Ohio this year. She'll be moving in with her boyfriend, Lance. I haven't met him, but of what I've heard, he's a really nice guy. I told her that moving is always scary, but also adventurous. You need to be optimistic and make the most of what you have.

When I moved to Washington from Indiana, I had literally what I had in my car to live on. Now it is more since I'm married and living in an apartment of our own away from my parents. The freedom is nice, but sometimes I want to talk to my family and friends face-to-face but I can't.

So pretty much wherever you live, there are advantages as well as dis-advantages.

Tonight Chris and Rico went to see Resident Evil. I'm staying home to straighten up the bedroom and closet. I plan to re-arrange the furniture, but I may just wait till Chris comes home. I don't think my back will appreciate the weight.

Dude it was awful this morning when I woke up. It must have been 75 degrees in our apartment. The main thing to blame is our computer. It shoots out so much heat. Ahh!

Now I'm not sure if I want to move away from Montana. I have friends and family here. Hmm. I want to experiment with pain. I'm so sick of renting. I want a house. New or old, it doesn't matter. When I was younger, I planned out my dream home, then I figured that my dad would build it. But times have changed and reality set in. So, I don'tk now what to do now. I know that I do not want to rent forever. "Where to live....Where to live...?" That is the question.

Montana isn't a big hi-tech state, but Colorado and Indiana are. I'm more familiar with Indiana, I have more friends and family there, too. I suppose I could live around the same area I grew up. But my heart would never leave Montana. But if we do move within the next few years, we must start saving money.

Speaking of money, how do loans work? Do they base it on your credit, salary, what? I think it is time for me to check out Wells Fargo.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears