Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Mar. 08, 2002 - 4:02 PM

I went driving in Sara's Explorer yesterday. Its a 91 model, not like the new ones out there, but the year doesn't matter to me, as long as it runs good. The reason why I drove her Explorer because we're going to Denver in about a week and its a 14 hr drive from Great Falls. Fun. So I had to learn how to drive her vehicle to get used to it, ya know? Its completely different than driving our small car. Oh well.

I took a somewhat soothing bath last night. Up until the cheap Mr. Bubbles started to irritate my skin. I can't come into contact with anything, seems like I get an allergic reaction to everything these days.

I hate it when I search for a song to download and I can't think of the artists' or songs' title. Gah. There's this song I heard yesterday in Sara's Explorer and I can't think of how it goes. Damnit.

Ah well I'm going to attempt to design more stuff on my design site.

After 9pm this evening (MST) Chris will be unplugging the computer and lugging it to The Worx and staying ther up until 1 tomorrow afternoon. Its an all-nighter thing.

So now I'm just wondering of what the heck I'm going to do while he's gone. Probably do the dishes like I was supposed to do this morning. Whoops. Maybe vacuum and make noise like usual.


Oh and while riding with Chris in our bright red car following this slow-poke on our way home from McDonalds....that person had a personalized lisence plate, like us. I think it is a trend in our town. Now in Indiana, I would not be caught dead with a personalized plate on my car, its so 'nerdish' there. Crazy man. Anyway, I was saying to Chris to see if the courthouse would allow the word: "U SUCK" as a plate...haha probably not. Then Chris said, "how about USUK? US - United States and UK - United Kingdom."

Yeah, we're nutty.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears