Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Stupid Kid, Trix are for Rabbits
Mar. 10, 2002 - 11:46 PM

Well at work today, I was writing up of what I'm going to bring with me to Denver next week. I think I got everything. All this week I'm going to plan on going to bed early. Because we (me and Sara) are planning to leave at seven in the morning. Now according to the directions from MapQuest, it will take us fourteen hours to get there. Fun.I need to chat with Kim. To see if she wants to meet up with us or something. LIke on the way back where we can kill time. Maybe.

I didn't go to work yesterday, I was pretty damn sick.

I think my throat is getting better. All is good except for this cold/bad allergies attacking me. Gah. Veronica called me last week just letting me know that they're giving away/trashing extra stuff in the attic to make room for Linda's stuff. That's all well and good, but Vee talked down at me when she said, "well we're going to do this soon and you had your chance to go through your stuff when you visited last June." Yeah well, I was in Indiana for five days. And all of the days were full of activities. Damn. She makes me want to wring her neck. When I moved from Indiana to Washington state two years ago, I wasn't able to pack all of my belongings into my car, and some of it is things that I want to keep. But Vee doesn't understand that. She is able to go "home" from college every month. Oh I go "home" once a year, at most. There is a difference. You are not me. You don't think like me. There is a spare bedroom to put mine or Linda's things so someone can call me to describe the things that I still have there to keep it or not. How would she like it if this situation was flipped. Her in MT and I in Indiana, to throw away all of her horse stuff. Ugh. No more talk of this.

What is it with college students to think us, non-college people are naive, stupid? I'm generalizing here, by the way. Now that it has been one year since I graduated high school and been working at my job for eight months, I've realized that it isn't just intelligence you need you survive, but also common sense, manners, respect and confidence. I feel that I am intelligent, I have common sense, I don't talk in Ebonics, I don't blurt things out, I don't interrupt others, I don't say "God sucks" in Church, and I have confidence to stand up to what is right.

My Dad told me to think about buying a small house. Hmm. That may not be a bad idea. Then I could finally paint the rooms! I hate renting, you can't really decorate it. And as for the utilities, they will be expensive over here.

Crazy, only eight calls today.

One word: Ugh.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears