Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
2001-08-31 - 7:06 p.m.

Sveet, its been a year. :)

Below, there's a conversation Rico and I had a little bit ago. I found it funny, so enjoy!

suave_59405: heya red
buck3835: Hey.
suave_59405: whats up?
buck3835: Oh, just emailing back my Mom. And you?
suave_59405: just kickin back relaxin
buck3835: Vee just called me... and she's annoying the hell out of me.
suave_59405: yay sisterhood!!
buck3835: Its crap... She's so naive about everything.
buck3835: She thinks she's little-miss-perfect and so on..
suave_59405: <~~is stayin outta the cat fight hehe
suave_59405: i know better to get into these things heh
suave_59405: any good gossip happening?
buck3835: Nah, she's complaining about her roommate at college being so obnoxious compared to her. I saw this coming a mile away. I'm suprised she didn't detect it.
buck3835: Um... My b-day's coming up!! But you already know that.
suave_59405: yep yep the 16th right?
buck3835: Uh, my mom and Jim are moving again, to another (better) part of WA.
buck3835: 15th.
suave_59405: oh yah, a week after me ha ha ha!!
suave_59405: cool on the movin
buck3835: I think its a 2-story house, kinda like a beach house... Only a small walk from the beach.
buck3835: Sveet.
suave_59405: niicceeee
buck3835: Indeed.
buck3835: Do you have Music Match?
suave_59405: yep
buck3835: mine is lagging like crazy.
buck3835: The radio thing anyway.
suave_59405: really?? my real player wont connect tonight
suave_59405: i think its a Net thing then
buck3835: Wow.
buck3835: oh.
suave_59405: i've TRIED to connect to a live brodcast of a phins game but nothings happening
buck3835: Geeze.
buck3835: Oh poo poo head.
buck3835: I wanted to call my mom tonight, but there's so many good things going on.
suave_59405: yah, of all the nights it has to fuck up it choses now
buck3835: Dave Matthews Band is on, Danny boy from Indiana just came online... blah.
suave_59405: heard chris wants to get his own domain
suave_59405: he wants to beat your site bad i can tell hehe
buck3835: .......Huh?
buck3835: Well he won't.
suave_59405: not in a million years
suave_59405: but i wont tell him that
buck3835: I'll find out his password somehow and screw it up internally.
suave_59405: hehe
suave_59405: i knew i liked you for some reason lol
suave_59405: bitch slap him and his little "domain" hehe
buck3835: Do you know what is scary?
suave_59405: what?
buck3835: Chris and I were supposed to get married this past Saturday... that is, if we didn't post-pone it.
suave_59405: oh yah, that was gonna be the date wasn't it?
buck3835: Yep, Aug 25th.
suave_59405: coo
suave_59405: any ideas for a new date yet?
buck3835: Next fall, sometime.
suave_59405: in indy right?
buck3835: Yeah.
suave_59405: or there shall be hell to pay lol
buck3835: And no, we won't be living anywhere near Gary.
suave_59405: whew
suave_59405: away from the evil places!!!
buck3835: Hehe, yeah.
suave_59405: should be interesting
buck3835: Glasses suck, officially.
buck3835: I'd rather be partially blind than cleaning the darn lenses when they get dirty...
suave_59405: eek, lil drastic there dontcha think?
buck3835: not really.
buck3835: i'm fine as long as that I'm not behind the wheel.
suave_59405: true
suave_59405: you[ll be the next "das nazi whale" chris talks about
buck3835: haahhaha......nevah!
suave_59405: eeek eeek eek eek eek
suave_59405: cool, watching dragon ball, its strange hehe
buck3835: You and cartoons....?
suave_59405: anime
suave_59405: pretty good series actually
buck3835: Its still cartoons.
buck3835: haha
suave_59405: so are simpsons, but who cares? lol
buck3835: Simpsons are funny.
suave_59405: did ya see last nights?
buck3835: I was watching Rosanne today.
buck3835: Nope.
suave_59405: i liked homer's view on a bad job
suave_59405: "if you dont like your job you dont quit, you go in every day and do your job really half assed"
buck3835: haha, yeah.
suave_59405: homer rules!

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears