Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Food & Sleep
Friday, Jan. 25, 2002 - 1:29 AM

Friday already. Hard to believe, almost. It's also payday, too.

I'm not feeling very well. Freaking cold, thing.

He called me last night, while I was grabbing a fruity popsicle out of the freezer. Gah. Talking to me about his relationship problems. I have enough problems as it is, dude.

An old ICQ user friend of mine added me to his list last night. How nice of him. He lives in Canada. Yeah, the one my mom told me not to talk to. She used to say, "If he has a wife, why does he have so much interest in you?"
Mom, he's just a friend. F R I E N D, and that's it. And its always been that way.


I've been thinking of pulling out of Naked Reviews again. But this time its serious. I'm tired of dealing with pending reviews and reporting what I'm doing to others. Its like, stop breathing down my neck, will you?!?

Tiara is such a doll and an angel, but the rest of them (mostly anyway) get on my nerves, and that shouldn't happen.

I was just in bed, I couldn't sleep so here I am, griping on my journal, while others take time out of their busy lives to read it.

As I said before, today is payday. I can finally do the laundry. Poor Chris, no more clean shirts. Well he has more, they're just um, not decent enough for work, you know. Us women always has a ton of clothes to wear. Heh. I find that funny.

Went grocery shopping last night, too. Oh yum, food is good. Got all this unhealthy food. Red Vines candy, cookies, Doritos, Popsicles, soda. The remotely healthy stuff: poptarts, nutra-grain bars, grapes, potatos, orange juice. I think that's it. The rest are unedible stuff you know, anti-freeze stuff for the car, soap (irish spring-haha) and other things of that nature.

Almost 1:30 am. I suppose I should go to sleep soon, huh?


Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears