Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Aweee... & Everything Else
2001-05-29 - 1:43 a.m.

Hey, what's going on?
There's exactly 2 days till I arrive in Indiana. Oooo... I can't believe I'll be in Indy soon. Just doesn't seem true just yet. I guess I'm just weird or something.
Watched that 70's movie, Patton and also Fried Green Tomatos. Very good movies, but the second is obviously a chick flick. Chris O'Donnel dies in the first part!! Ohhh so sad!
I got updated news about my half-sister's babies. They were born two days ago on May 27th. The boy died that night, he wasn't getting enough nutrients as his sister. She is still living, and not in an incubator, which is a very good sign. They named her Christie Jo. My half-sis's name is Christine and her husband's, is Joe. Heh, cute.
I've been working hard with a new layout with my homepage. Discovered of how to make frames. Y'know, those sidebars on Diaryland.. while you're filling out your days/nights entry. Yeah, that thing. So yeah, wish me luck with it.
I think at my party this Friday, I'll be wearing my Steak 'n Shake hat. Y'know, so I can boost their sales. As if I haven't helped...Hehehe.
Chris told me last night that he's going to miss me incredibly. I don't blame him. But I'll be surrounded by my friends for most of the time, so I won't be able to even think of Chris. Kinda sounds a big close-minded, but hey, I DESERVE this mini-vacation. I do!!
Mmm.. That Code Red Mt. Dew is pretty coo. Yummy too.
I taped the Indianapolis 500 on Sunday. It was coo. Funny when it kept raining/sprinkling. Hahaha... Good times, good times.
I wanna either go total blonde or a total red-head when I get to Indy. I wanna shock everyone.. Don't know why. Just tired of being the "shy one" at family gatherings here in Great Falls.

"Sorry everyone.
Sorry I'm not pregnant.
I don't like beer.
I don't drive super fast to get chased by cops.
I don't have something really exciting to share with you all the time.
I don't like gossiping (unless its about me, then I just clear my name).
I'm sorry I'm super skinny.
I don't eat constantly.
I don't see the thrill in shooting animals (gophers) 'just because'.
I'm just an Indiana Hoosier.
I'm not out-spoken.
I can't make jokes.
I'm not the rough-housing type.
I don't wake up at the crack of dawn.
I'm not friendly to everyone. Especially to those who judge me right when they meet me.
I'm not a computer gamer.
I don't like being couped up in this little apartment all the time.
I hate being dunked...
I don't like being yelled at.
I don't like it when others give up on me.
I can't catch.
I don't like being put on the spot.
I don't like being picked on.

Sorry, I'm just not like that.

I want to get a job.
I like building webpages.
I don't mind being called a 'computer nerd'.
I am a nerd.
I like Bull-Shitting around.
I do find that true friends are the best things that anyone could ever ask for.
I am revengeful.
I love Capture the Flag.
I love to swim.
I can throw a football perfectly.
I love playing Badmitten.
I like hanging out with True Friends.
I like making new friends.

But, I am a fun and interesting person. If you would just give me a chance."

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears