Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
And I wonder why I had that nosebleed
2004-02-10 - 06:46

What I did yesterday was this:

Llike stretching first; ran .5 mile in 5:45 (woot); walked around a bit while drinking water; ran 1.5 mile in 19:30 (woot again. Sunday I made it in just over 22 min); Went to the Weight Room where I did three sets of leg exercises: Expanded my legs - out then in; pushed weights with my feet/legs; and pulled it with my ankles for a few sets of each; ran a .5 mile in 6:00 (not as good, but within my first time); stretched. Then went home and did my push up/situp deal.

For the actual times I must meet to Graduate BMT, go here.

Today will probably be much like all this:

Stretching first; ran 1.5 mile; resistance; push up/situp; resistance; push up/situp again; ran that .5 mile. Aiming for strength training for my upper body.

This morning though while typing this out, I had a nosebleed. I know I can't read too much into it. They happen for any number of reasons. I don't hurt as bad as yesterday. Holy crapness I could barely walk!

Water has become my new best friend. It's always there to help me out, sometimes I deny it to have something else, powerade/milk, but when I get all dehydrated I go back to it. It helps me out a lot. Today Chris has all day off, so he's going in with me early to the gym. Early as in probably 9 or 10. Yesterday we went at 2pm. The Gym during the week is open from 4am-10pm. Man.. And EVERYTIME I want to go on base since I'm in DEP, I gotta visit the vistors center and get a pass and a paper/sticker for my car. I wished they'd come up with some sort of temporary ID thing for DEP members.

Check it, it's 6:30 am right now as I type this. Earlier around midnight Chris is all like "hey cuddle with me.." I say, "hold on gotta go brush my teeth then we will." I come back and he's still watching TV and sitting up. I say "Well, I really need to go to sleep and you're still watching TV. I know you don't care of when you go to bed, but no matter what I have to get up at six or earlier every morning." Of course he got all defensive and brought up our marriage stating how he doesn't know we're gonna work out with fighting all the time. I was too grumy and tired to go any further but now I think back and should have said "we aren't fighting. I'm stating facts. You and Katie were the ones who set this morning get up time for me, do not blame me on this." but that would have just extended my awake-time.

When 6:00 rolled around and the alarm clock was blaring it's beeps I was swearing up a storm. "I can't fucking believe it's 6 already. It isn't fucking fair. He was all bitching to me last night while I basically just lost my sleep time. Fuck!"

I have a serious problem with my temper. Throwing things; swearing; yelling; screaming; saying things and later regretting them; thinking bad things; etc... is all I experience when having a fit. Yes.. a fit. Let's take Sunday morning for example where I misplaced my purse. It has EVERYTHING needed to go on base with. Unfortunately not my contract and cell phone. Those were seperate, otherwise I could have called my phone and instantly found my purse. For about 20 min Chris and I searched for it while I got all pissed off. I was saying all sorts of stuff. The point where Chris left the room is when I screamed "I'm not like a five year old, stop treating me as one! "enter obscenities here". I was shocked when he left. So another 20 min I looked for it and could not find it anywhere. Katie came upstairs and found it. It was on the couch, (where I left it the day before) but folded in with the laptop case. Both of which were black.

Go figure.

Woah, this is new.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears