Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Nightmares at 22
2004-02-07 - 09:46

It is 9:30 as I write this. AM, very AM. All morning I had nightmares leading up to 9 o'clock. Why? Well, yesterday during my DEP CC Meeting the Station Commander, I believe he's a Staff Sergeant announced to everyone that if anyone wanted to go on base and to exercise in the gym, we can. As long as we meet at the front gate at 11. All week my sis-in-law has been asking if I wanted to go with her to the Base Gym but I said I couldn't since I still didn't have my entrance paperwork (basically stating that I'm in DEP for the USAF and I leave on this certain date) yet. I had it when I first went to MEPS in May, but in August I misplaced that as well as my Contract (have a copy of it now) during our move. We have it, it's just misplaced. My recruiter has been pleading with the MEPS personnel to make a copy of that form and send it to him since December.. well earlier I believe. Anyway, I asked Katie (sis in law) if she wanted to go with me to the base. She seemed a bit suprised.. but I explained my situation to her, but she said she has a few errands to run. She'll go if she's back in time.

I hope.

I hate exercising alone. I know, I know.. I'm a hypocrite. Unless I know what I'm doing and where I'm going, I hate doing it alone. Lately what my exercising has been consisting of is: warming up -small stretches before actually exercising-; lifting 5lb weights for about five minutes; jogging around 1 square block around this little city park diagonally from the house; doing that for 30+ minutes. Depending on how well it went or the weather; jog back home; do cool-downs - just the same as warm ups.. just so that my muscles can.. "cool down". And that's about it.

As far as my diet goes, I believe I eat pretty well. I've cut out soda, except for yesterday when I felt this awful queasy feeling and I couldn't shake it. I had a few sips of 7up. If it gotten worse I could have taken Pepto.. but the reason why I got sick -the antibiotics I'm on- it says right on the bottle: take at least 2 hours before or 2 hours after magnesium or aluminum containing antacids, iron, or vitamins/minerals. Pepto has antacids in it. Anyway back to the reason: I took it right after waking up. That's a no-no. I know better. I was to take it after eating something. Nope.. I had nothing in my system. Now that I'm nearly finished with my breakfast, I can take it soon. I drink mainly water/juice/milk beverages now. Well, only actually. Chris says he doesn't give a shit whether I drink soda or not. He isn't a very good trainer.. I'd say.

It's 9:45 I better go take a shower.

PS: As you can see, I'm trying to write everyday, or as much as I can before I leave. *sniff* I am so going to miss writing whenever I want to. I'd be lucky to get a 5 minute shower.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears