Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Just A Few Things
2003-11-17 - 14:52

Things I must do this week:

+ Contact the dentist in CO who did my dental work in September for additional information/documents.
Done - Go around town and collect job applications.
+ Maybe.. Call back my former employer and find out the status of my "hopefully" employment.
+ Go to FrontRange Healthcare whenever they call to let me know they have documentation ready to be picked up. Then send it to my recruiter.
+ Help out Lauren with Parker.
Done - Straighten up our bedroom closets more, to see if I can spare any more room.
Done - Stop living on the computer.
+ Be cheery; positive; helpful.
Done - Cut down/don't drink soda. Drink only water; juice; milk; tea. Ohh so hard.
Not Needed - Call Planned Parenthood to make an appointment to ask them a much needed question and make an appointment if needed.
+ Thank family and friends more often.
+ Be grateful for everything they have done for me.
Done! + Pay off bills, only two, but they need to be paid asap...
+ Re-arrange my CD Binder.
+ Hang up the curtains/rods Lauren made for us.
+ Design a possible Christmas present for my family with stained glass of Dave's stuff. (He designs and makes his own window decorations.) Ask Chris or Dave if I could go ahead and make them... then learn how to do it.
+ Wear my glasses more often, so that I won't have eye strain.
+ Re-design my three other sites. Angelfire #1, #2 - Done! and #3.
+ Figure out why Angelfire won't let me access Chris's Site er, webshell. Keep prompting me to buy their membership deal. No sorry, I don't want it!
+ Be more calm, have patience, be less critical.
+ Write out this list on a sheet of paper and post it on my computer monitor so I can't ignore it.
+ Make sure that I complete everything on here, or as much as I possibly can.

Okay, that's it for now.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears