Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Sucky Evening
2003-08-23 - 00:15

I don't feel all that great right now.

I spent this last evening happily clearing off the bed so that the bedroom is livable again.. no more boxes everywhere. Close to 8 pm Lauren came in and said Chris was having breathing problems at work and had to come home. All I could think about, is if he was alright.. could he still breathe o.k. ... everything. I reached work and ran up to the employee's entrance and asked the group of people if they knew my husband Chris, and a big guy with a flannel shirt on greeted me. He was Chris's friend from work, and led me to the foyer, area between the two sets of double doors, so that he can go grab Chris and bring him down. He works on the third out of four floors. It'd be a bit. So I ran out to tell Dave to park the Rodeo Flyer (a nickname we call Matt's old truck.. its red and usually carried Marines .. who are also cowboys.. haha) in front of the building. Got Chris loaded up and I ran back out to our car in the alley way. Took forever for me to get home since it was after sunset and it was raining so hard I couldn't see the white dashes for the lanes of the 3-lane one-way. Eventually got home and Chris talked, or as much as he could. His voice was so damn coarse and raspy. We walked slowly up the stairs to the bedroom, he went on the computer as I was clearing off the bed finally.

Hmph. He's doing better now. But I'm not. My stomache is doing loops non-stop and it feels like I'm going to hurl any moment now. I hate that feeling. I took some Tylenol PM a bit ago, sorta kicking in.

The Forest Fires are getting bad. Its pushing the smoke over to our city and causing most everyone breathing problems, including me. I've been coughing so bad last night into this morning. Ugh.

Ah well the PM stuff is making me lose my train of thought again. I better get to bed here soon.

Oh, by the way I have been re-designing this journal on Edit Pad - Lite. It looks a bit sucky but hopefully it'll turn out good soon. And... I'm getting that cell phone later today at Radio Shack. Hopefully they have non-flip phones available this time around.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears