Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
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2003-06-11 - 01:48

I had the CT scan done yesterday morning, everything went well, I think. I won't know the results until towards the end of the week, though. Ugh. I hate all this waiting.

I had sent an email to my close family and friends regarding all of this, no one has replied back, but two people did call me to wish me to get well. Jenny and my Recruiter.

We did get one huge bill taken care of. When Chris had his accident at work in March, he had to file a workers' comp form. It was approved but of course no one let us know. We kept getting bills from both the Hospital and the Ambulance Company, a grand total of over $900. Hell no! Chris called the insurance company today and got it all straightened out. We had to call the two places listed above to give them the contact info for the insurance to get the bills paid off. We only have to pay for a small portion of that just from when Chris went to the ER for an unrelated visit, but that's the jist of it. Yay.

As for the taxes... we owe a lot, but found out we can pay back in installments. I thought we had to pay back in full. Uh no. There's no way.

I'm going to try to go to work today... I'm tired of being tired/sick/in pain/nauseated/bored all the time. At least at work I have more people to talk to, and maybe I'll stay long enough to get paid. All day Tuesday I've been feeling like absolute sh*t. The pain wasn't as bad as it was Monday, though. Damn. But the nauseating factor shot through the roof. No pun intended. Watched Blade II on HBO today, all the bloody scenes got me sick again. Had to take a 3hr nap around 1pm. I was one tired puppy. I had to get up at 9 to get ready for my CT scan appointment at 11. Ugh. I did feel bad for calling into work yesterday, sick. But it was for good reason. Chris tried to make me feel better by taking me around town and playing his new Staind CD in his Mom's car. (ours is not working....correctly) We went to Planned Parenthood to pick up my pills and to Wendy's. I wasn't hungry, though I was starving to the point of hallucination at the doctors office yesterday. I thought the carpeting was ocean waves. I was sick...yeah.

My recruiter said that this won't hinder me getting into the AF... until we find out the results. If I do need surgery, we'd get everything taken care of. As for the upcoming Paintball extravaganza on Saturday morning, he said I didn't have to do it if I don't feel up to it, but I must come to the meeting. Hmph.


I'm online at this insane hour only to get sleepy, folks. Don't worry.

Hey, anyone know how to get rid of nausea w/o taking Pepto Bismol... I'm so sick of the chalky tasting liquid.. after the Berry Flavored Barium Smoothie the doctors had me drink, god no. No more.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears