Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
I'm High
2003-06-06 - 21:58

Wednesday afternoon I took a few bites of my Big Mac and unable to eat anymore. For some reason my stomach felt funny. The next moment I was in the bathroom getting sick, then all of a sudden my right side of my abdomen started cramping up. I went to work as usual, but was very careful around my surroundings, careful not to get any more in pain. 4:30 rolled around and my side was hurting a lot more. I tried just sticking it out, but it was no use. Everytime I tried to ignore the pain, it shot right back with more force. I got up from my desk and call Chris to let him know what was going on. I talked to my supervisor to see if I could be let go for the day so that I could go to the doctor. She said I could, but I'd get points. Gah!

So here I am at home, where I've been since late Wednesday night in pain. I'm really drowsy and out of it but managed to wash some dishes that were piling up in the kitchen. go me. Whenever I hear loud noises, ie: phone ringing; I jump out of my skin. I get all disoriented. I hate this feeling. I got sick again earlier today. I was to call a few companies to get some info on bills/credit card stuff but I crashed on the bed and didn't wake up until Chris got home for lunch around 5. I feel like such a sloth, but I guess rest is the best medicine, huh?

I'm so tired of water, really. :(

My doc on Wed said that I either had an ovarian cyst that burst (since that happened a year ago today..) or a bladder infection. Fun! He gave me antibiotics. Might as well be labeled horse pills. Damn.

I'm starting to sway again and fall asleep.

Off to take another nap.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears