Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
I hate Mondays
Mar. 31, 2003 - 2:19 AM

This design sucks. Everything does. I feel bad, not only physically but also mentally. I've talked to Chris about this late last night but I don't think anything came out of it.

I need to re-design this thing, but into what? I don't know anymore.

I'm a failure to myself and others who know me. I am jealous of my friends who are off to bigger and better things. I am envious that they have some/many college credits under their belt while I'm stuck in Montana working at a shit job-but that's my only source of income and with no college experience. I hate it here. I want to move. Everyone who knows me tells me to pack up and move, but do you know how expensive that is?!?

I am returning to my old ways - not eating. Started up mid of last week. I've eaten just a bit each day but I feel like shit. Maybe that's a sign for me to start eating, but hell I don't care.

I take the ASVAB on April 8th, two days short of Chris's 22nd birthday. I still need to do taxes, send $100 to the payment agency regarding my hospital bills from last summer, do a major clean-up of the apartment, get rid of the futon that's hogging up the living room, ugh.

Went into Yahoo Chat several times last night but no one would pay any attention to me. What my luck, huh? Just when I NEEDED someone to talk to, no one does.

I should've never had my hair cut last summer. I really miss my long hair.

In the past I have thought about my first highschool's class reunion, but I doubt I would be invited since I didn't graduate there. That was four years of hell, but more-so of the last two years. Depression. Sucked the life out of me. I will never be the same. I died then.

I hate lying to my family and telling that I am "cured" but no one is cured from it unless its been five years or something. In my case, only three years. Whoop-dee-doo.

*Sighs* I'm getting another painful headache again. They keep popping up in the same spot: right temple straight to above my right ear. Chris says it is from eye strain, but I have them even when I wake up in the morning. I've been using Tylenol PM to get to sleep each night since Friday but it causes nightmares. I'd use Excedrin but that would keep me awake.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears