Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Just to let y'all know
Jan. 22, 2003 - 4:26 PM

I know I know... I haven't gone on hiatus or anything folks, just been a little more than busy over here, nothing to be alarmed about. But I am sorry that I haven't been able to update this, too. I just have a lot of things on my mind to weigh and I'm not sure of how to express it. I am thinking about creating a blog just to jot down my thoughts and short entries for the day, only because if I enter everything on here, it will hurt me, most likely. Just about everyone I know reads this journal and I don't want other people's feelings hurt.

Whenever I am able to sort things out, physically and mentally I may transfer the blog-entries to this journal as one big entry, but that will be in the future. I just don't feel secure about pouring my heart and soul onto this specific journal just yet.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears