Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
I could use some luck right about now
Sept. 02, 2002 - 1:46 PM

I'm feeling a lot better, not counting my voice, that's still gone. Went to Walmart around 1 this morning and bought a lot of groceries and home stuff, including a cute kitchen rug I've had my eye on for quite a while. I waited till the price dropped to 4.95. Yay!

There are a lot of things going to go down this week. Including of where we'll be living/doing/working the next few to several years. I still need to break it to my parents before I mention it here, I hope you all understand. And no, it isn't bad. Just that everyone was expecting me to move to Indiana next year. Well, let's just say, IN is out of the picture as of now.

I'm not sad, amazingly enough. I was the one to make the "final" choice, since I'm Chris's wife. I really want to quit NEW. If you don't have great stats, you don't move up in the business. I suppose that's fair. But I've been there for more than a year, not many people can say that.

The sores/bruises from where I had four IV needles in me, are finally healing. They don't hurt much anymore. Last Wednesday, I couldn't even lift my arms.

I really wouldn't mind being a "Stay at Home Mom/Wife" because, I hate the running around town from lunch and work, I hate rushing around period.

I had meant to add an entry over the weekend, I really did. Chris and I were playing StarCraft till the wee hours of the morning on Saturday. Yesterday was full of activities. I had to clean/do laundry/have dinner with the in-laws/talk about future plans/etc.

Today I work. Even though I requested it off a month ago. Damn policy at work. Gah! Seven out of 50 people got today off in my department. So not fair. I never get Labor Day off. Chris did. Of course. I suppose it is basically working double, and I won't be on the phones, I'll be doing 3rd party stuff - data entry. Sounds fun, eh?

My lips have been getting horribly chapped and I don't know why. I wear Chapstick all the time, I don't get it.

Ah well, time to fix my lunch for work, and get myself some lunch.

Today at work I'll be writing up a draft for email to tell my parents/family about our near future plans... Wish me luck.

13 days till my 21st Birthday!

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears