Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
I am a full blown ass kisser
Jun. 14, 2002 - 12:49 AM

I managed to be my supervisors pet without even trying. Isn't this amazing? I spent Wednesday mostly in bed, drugged up and yesterday at work happy as a bee. Why is this happening? Why am I questioning a good thing? Why ask why? Bleh. Anyway, so my supervisor asked me if I'd like to help him with reports (of what, I do not know just yet) so I figured that would get me time off of the phone, so of course I said yes. But he said it would only be during the slow times of the night, from 10pm-12am most likely.

Sweet ass.

Also, those occurances I got myself so worked up about, are going to be history soon as the head-o-mangagement dude erases them from my record. I could kiss him, but that would be wrong. What if I just hugged him, would that be okay? Probably not, heck I'll just flat out give him a big smile and tell him "thank you."


So um, anyway. I got two 100%'s for two monitors. I kick ass today err yesterday, technically speaking.

Emily, one of my work-friends takes off to Indiana in less than 6 hours. She sucks, but she said that she'd get me something from Steak 'n Shake, yay!

Bleh. I need to think up of some way to celebrate Fathers Day for my dad. Too late to send a greeting card through the mail. Hmph. I suppose I could just type up a letter-thing and design a picture, wouldn't that be okay enough?

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears