Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Swimming in the Lake
Jun. 10, 2002 - 1:42 AM

Well I just added a few things here and there, and also changed the boring Leaning Tower into well, what it looks like now.

Thanks Linda and Mom for calling me back, it was much appreciated. :)

Me and Dorea went to see About A Boy last night. It was oh so good. Oh crap! That just reminded me...Dorea, I will pay you back. I'll just give you a check or something, okay?

1:29 right now and stuffing myself with Tropical flavors of Jelly Bellys. Mmmm...

I also played around with Adobe 6 s'more today. Chris hooked up the webcam (finally) and I took funny pictures of myself, and goofed around.

I hope I have a good day at work later on. I hope Emily will be there. I need to talk to her and Dow (my supervisor). Dude, I need to type up a cast page so people can keep track of everyone I mention in here. Hmph. I'll put that on my to-do list.

The weather all day yesterday was sucky. Cold and rainy. My socks are still damp-ish from Dorea's lake, err the parking lot area over by her apartment/dorm. Haha.

So yeah yesterday was the first time I left the apartment in nearly three days. How sad is that? Quite.

After taking two generic Aleve, I still have stomach pain. Is that normal, or is my body totally messed up? I think it is letter B.

Well Chris was a good boy yesterday, he did all the laundry by himself, mostly. I had to remind him a few times. :p

Hmph. I need to get back into the swing of things back at work. My sleeping schedule is so messed up right now.

Also what is strange... Chris called me into the Living Room an hour ago, and told me that he knows what he's going to do for my birthday. My birthday is in September, three months away. I wonder what he has planned.

This layout totally fits me, somewhat. Haha. Totally somewhat. An oxymoron? Yep. Oh well.

What I need to do sometime this week is to write letters to my best friends in Indy to see how they are doing and whatnot.

Version thirty. Yep. I've made thirty layouts since August, documented ones anyway. Go me!

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears