Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
This and That
Sunday, Jan. 13, 2002 - 10:21 PM

Earlier today was crazy.

I woke up at eight this morning, unable to fall asleep, I stayed in bed and thought about how rude I acted around Chuck this week. I feel like I have an obligation to apologize to him, but at the same time, I feel that it is unecesary to do so.

He irritates me all the time and it didn't help that I was on my week. And anything can set off the "irritable alarm."

I'm not going to fuss over this too much because Chuck went home to WA today, so there is no point.

Tonight, I'm going to re-design the rest of my homepage. But I still need to replace the old pictures with some new ones.

I had asked to be reviewd by messreviews in late November. And still no review. I think I might send them an email asking what the heck is going on.

That reminds me, I still need to review three diaries. Shit. I feel bad that I haven't reivewd and posted them.

I also need to come up with a schedule (for the daytime and night time) and stick with it.

Dude, if you like Chinese food, and live nearby an Albertson's store, I strongly recommend their Chicken Egg Rolls. I tried them last night, and they are so good.

Okay, I'm going to review and post those reviews tomorrow, because tonight, I'm going to go to bed early. Early as in 11pm or earlier. I'm planning on to straighten up the living room and possibly the kitchen before heading to bed. I'll probably take some Benadryl, because I've been sneezing almost all day.

Tomorrow, I"ll get up at 8 am, and those reviews and attempt to clean up the apartment.

Tonight at work was slow. Incredibly slow. Only nine calls.

While I was at Lauren's today, I read in the paper that there was a 20-car pile up accident yesterday. We had very strong winds and a lot of dust/dirt was brought up into the air. The accident took place outside of town, on an interstate. Two people died. They worked for a local TV station here in town. Their car was smashed to the size of a refridgerator. How sad.

Oh, I almost forgot, I need to also fill out and send thank- you notecards to people. I'll start on them tomorrow if I have time. Tomorrow morning, I'm going with Lauren to Wal-Mart to go make enlargements of our wedding pictures. If you recieve the Great Falls Tribune (Montana), Indianpolis Star & The Greenfield Reporter (Indiana), or the Herald (Washington), you'll be seeing our wedding picture in the Announcement section, soon.

I need to stop biting my lips. I do it when I'm nervious, but I haven't felt nervous at all today. Ugh.

I should pamper myself sometime this week. Take a bubble bath with candles lit around me. Sveet. I'm already feeling a tad better buy just thinking about this.

Our goldfish died. They lasted for about five days, then the tank got very cloudly and they died. Maybe there is something wrong with the filter, hmm.

Anyway, I think I've written enough. I'm off to re-design & go to bed.


Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears