Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
my social life has gone to hell
11/07/2001 - 1:53 AM


The internet is so boring and uninteresting when you'd rather do something else, but its unavailable. Like talking on the phone.

I nearly lost my voice at work yesterday.

Got the freaking scanner working FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!! yesterday. Thanks to Chris, he worked on it for a few hours last night while I was working my butt off at work.


Whiny, crying people suck. They need to calm down and be rational when explaining that their tv is not working. Answer with simple answers when asked a question, don't go on and on about your stupid cat jumping on the tv knocking over a can of coke, and getting into the electrical backing of the tv, because it will NOT be covered under you service plan. I don't CARE of how much hard earned money you used to pay for the plan, you will NOT talk me into letting you get it covered.

It only covers mechanical and electrical failures and also parts and labor. And also more stuff, but I don't have the plan memorized.

When you say you don't want to speak to a supervisor but yet you escalate, you will talk to a supervisor. And that's final.

I'm so tired of being polite and courteous of mean, bitchy people on the phones. But I need this job. I wanna move back to Indiana where I can work in a place I'll feel comfortable working in.

I'm done whining, for now.

Oh oh oh!

Haha...no more whining, I promise you for the following:

No phone yet, but Katie wants to come over this week to work on her homepage and stuff. Chris and I invited her to spend the night here on Friday, so don't expect much done (from me, on this journal) that day. Sowry! But hey, at least I'm warning you. :)

Yeah yeah, my social life has gone to hell, I am aware of that.

Heck, I'm excited when anyone comes over. Except the IRS. Heh.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears