Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Return of the Nicki
Friday, Dec. 07, 2001 - 12:55 AM

Well, I am back.

(insert sounds of everyone cheering here)

We did a whole lot today. And during most of it, I was still groggy from the Nytol sleeping pills I took at 4am yesterday morning, I was unable to sleep. :(

Anyway, what we did: piled all of the dirty laundry that had to be done, and took it over to Chris's parents house to wash 'em. After the first load, we went over to my in-laws' little shop they have and told them that we're planning to get married and my parents aren't too thrilled about the whole thing, but then again, what else is new?

After that, we went over to one of the pet supply shops and looked around for fish that we might be getting soon. :)

Went home, cleaned up the old aquarium. (Seriously folks, this thing had five years worth of dust on it, it was a bitch to clean off.)

Went back to in-law's house to put in another load of laundry in the wash and the first load in the dryer. Went to McD's and then to Shopko to check out the Christmas trees and to pick up some film and a Brita water filter.

Went to Applebee's and literally stuffed myself. Had that Honey Grilled Chicken dinner. It was pretty good. The chicken marinade had pepper stuff in it. Eww.

Anyway, we went back to Shopko and picked up our neat-o Christmas tree and some decorations and lights, including some blinking ones. I suppose you could say that we're tacky, but it looks cool, really!!

Blah, sorry I was going to explain my entire day to you all, but I'm tired.

Alright, gonna check email now.


PS: I missed you all.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears