Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
11/17/2001 - 3:30 PM

Yesterday was payday, it was so sweet. Minus all the bills...We have more money in the account, than ever before. So cool.

Tonight Chris and I are hopefully gonna go grocery shopping and also shirt shopping. I have more shirts than him. But I suppose that isn't a big deal.

Took a shower, I feel all nice and fresh, still a bit sick, but not nearly as bad as Thursday.

Didn't get the cookie dough as I had planned... Poo. I wanted to get some oatmeal stuff. I had promised Ann on Wednesday that I'd bring some cookies on my weekend to her while she's at work. Didn't because I was sick, and didn't want to pass it to her. :| So, I guess I can bring some cookies to her on Wednesday, the next time I work for her.

The good remote control is still missing. I'm one of those weird people that won't watch the tv until I find the remote. Chris would just change the channels with the cable box. Haha. Oh well.

Yesterday and into early this morning, I re-designed my ENTIRE homepage. Yes, really. Well, except the links and the main page, but that's all well and good. I hope you enjoy it.

I didn't get rid of any pictures, just some pages because I've got to find more information/pictures for them. Its getting a tad boring, looking at the same thing all the time.

When I get home tonight, I'll post some new templates I made over my weekend. I'm also just going to join both of the Grab 'n Go Templates and the Custom Templates into one category: Free Templates. Its getting annoying when I'm making up new templates and deciding which category they should go to, so yeah, its a ton easier on me, and hopefully everyone else.

I should go eat some pizza. Djorno (sp?) Chris baked it a bit ago, okay no, a few hours ago and its still sitting on the burners. Fun fun.

I feel giddy today, don't know why because its going to be SO BORING at work tonight. Hmm, I wish we could still go surf the internet, but nooooo some moron decided to play a game while on a call, and that got all of us to not use the internet. Damn them.


I wish I could say that to them. :|

Ooo...3:30, I better go eat.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears