Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Exploitation & Bullshit
10/11/2001 - 12:37 AM

It makes me sick regarding this terrorist attack. Not only the initial attack itself, but the media and celebrities exploiting the tragedy.

They could be doing this from their heart, but after watching Fox News and getting away from the mainstream news (NBC/CBS/ABC), I've learned that most of them are left-wingers and are just there for the money and the glamor.

I'm not putting down the survivors, victims or anything, I'm not that cruel, I'm just pointing out the lack of unity among the "stars" and the media. I understand that they have to report the news, that's a given, but they also HAVE to report the facts, and not put in their personal opinion. Let the audience form their own opinion regarding all this.

In other areas of discussion...

Our kitchen sink is horribly clogged with who knows what. It started only yesterday, and we haven't washed anything in a few days. Chris bought a big container of Dran-O and it didn't do anything. Okay, it made the water drain, but very slowly.

On top of that, our tub water pipes leak horribly.

If we were all done packing, I'd be out of here in a heartbeat. I'm so sick of this place. Our landlord hasn't done anything regarding adding a fire extinguisher; connecting the furnace to the thermostat; fixing the tiles (which were broken even before we moved in) in the bathroom; fixing the shelves that are loose (again, happend before we moved in); fixing the air conditioner (in the dead of July, the damn guy said that he wouldn't fix it because its a "luxury" BS!); I think that's it.

So, the rest of this week, including MY WEEKEND..........we're gonna pack. :( and :)

I hate packing but yet I like it. I'm weird like that.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears