Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
It's All Relative
Mar. 25, 2002 - 9:38 PM

I feel like a little kid all anxious before Santa comes to deliver the presents on Christmas Day.

I want that guy to email me back.

I'm married, why am I feeling like this?

He is a nice guy, even though my friends were right that he is clingy, but sometimes clingy is good.

"He" is a guy I met this past Friday night, in Denver while going out with my two good friends to see a movie. Seven girls and two guys. It was funny to me anyway.

We saw Ocean's 11 at this theatre that had its' seats stripped and had tables with chairs around them, so you could have dinner while watching the movie. I've been to one of those before in Indianapolis, but everyone else hasn't and it was as if a pile of money was put in front of them, they were all ooooing and awwwing. God, just sit down and watch the damn movie, people and stop bothering me.

The movie was very good, I liked it a lot. So afterwards, all nine of us walked out of the place and onto the parking lot and wandered around bored-like, wondering of what we're going to do. It was only 11pm. Not that late. Three people left. I suppose they had to work in the morning, understandable. But Matt and Dave stayed behind and they followed us to "My Brother's Bar" I thought it was Dave's brother's bar, but it didn't hit me until after the fact. Ha, I'm slow. So I'm sitting across the table from Matt, and he pulls out a CD cover thing with a gradient of white to blue and has some words printed on it. Like his name and the name of the album. It was presented in the upper left-hand corner of the CD cover, I told him to change the title/name to italic and keep his name non-italic, to have a non-conventional look. I told him that I've been into graphic designing for a few years now, so I know what I'm talking about. I told him, two seperate times, I was married, but he kept insisting to flirt with me.

Or was it flirting? I'm still not sure. Anyway, so we traded email addresses, and I emailed him today, and I'm hoping that he'll email back soon, before I go offline.

All in all the trip was nice. The last night I was in Denver, I went out with Jenny and her kids, Jonathan & Jordan. They were so sweet, even with rib sauce all over 'em. I wanted to be with them more, well obviously since they are family. It sucked that I had to leave the next day. Jonathan gave me a rock, that has fool's gold inside of it. I think its' granite, but I'm not sure. I told him I used to be a rock collector, too. He smiled.

Jenny told me that the next time I want to visit, I'll need to stay with her. I'll take her up on that offer. Littleton was nice, but it was too complex and small of a town.

God the more I think about my trip to Denver, the more I hate Great Falls. Jen/Jenny said that I could most likely get a really nice job at a web-designing firm or a computer place there, and I don't doubt it. Sure it may be expensive to live there compared to here, but the wages are relative to where you live, so here in Great Falls I earn roughly $7.05, but don't pay very much in terms of property (besides the fact that I rent, and pay only $450 per month to get a pretty nice apartment). So yeah, its all relative.

So, do you people like this color scheme? I know it isn't red/black and white, but its more alive and springy. And where we live, it doesn't look like we'll see green grass anytime soon. Earlier last week, they got over 8" of snow all in one day. Ha. Man, I hate it here.

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears