Takhomasak's Journal
Just Another Diaryland.com Journal
Friday Five (3 Dec 04)
04.12.04 - 21:08

This is from the Friday Forum.

1. Do you enjoy letter writing [as in snail mail]? When's the last time that you wrote someone a letter or a note? When's the last time that you received something in the mail from someone [not including regular stuff like bills, junk mail, etc.]?
Yes. Just a few days ago. Maybe two or three weeks ago.
2. Do you plan to send out holiday cards this year? Why/why not? Do you spend a lot of time on them? About how many holiday cards do you usually send each year?
Yes, because I haven't done so in the past -just want others to know I'm alive & well and care about them. I probably won't spend a whole lot of time on them. I tend to get acarried away and draw some decoartions that take away from the meaning of the card. Since this will my first year, probably no more than ten.
3. Have you ever had a penpal? Where and when? How long did you write to them, or are you still in contact with them? What kinds of things did/do you talk about with them? How did your penpal relationship come about?
Yes. The pen-pal was from some South American country but living in Indiana or Florida for college. A few months I wrote to them. We lost touch. I think they went back to their home country and no longer wrote to me. This was back in 1999, I believe.
4. Do you feel that you have good penmanship? Did you ever have to take a handwriting class in school? Do you prefer typing letters or writing them by hand? Have you ever had your handwriting analyzed?
Yes, to a degree. My cursive handwriting is horrible except for my name. Handwriting class? Uhm...besides basic spelling and English class in school - no. Typing or handwriting... depending on who the recipient is. Usually I just type everything out or if it's a family member a or a close friend, I'd just handwrite it. Nope, never had my handwriting analyzed, though that would be pretty neat.
5. If you could receive a personal, hand-written letter from anyone in the world right now, who would you choose and why? Why would you want a letter from him/her?
You know who are you are, and you know why. : )

Past Five:
12 May 2006 * Workaholic
16 April 2006 * It's Easter!
20 March 2006 * And she comes back
07 January 2006 * Starting over, elsewhere. I think.
02 January 2006 * Face your fears